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Advice for Those with Chronic Pain in Greater Gilford, NH

Taking care of a senior family member can be an honorable and selfless duty. However, providing care can often be stressful and challenging. According to a study published in The American Journal of Nursing, providing care for others can lead to "high levels of unpredictability and uncontrollability, physical and psychological strain over extended periods of time, and the potential to create secondary stress in multiple life domains, such as work and family relationships, and frequently requires high levels of vigilance." Effective caregivers frequently discover that their jobs can have an adverse impact on their emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

However, what about family caregivers who are coping with chronic pain themselves? Taking care of a loved one becomes even more difficult when you have a chronic pain-causing problem. You must not only prioritize your demands but also take care of your health at the same time.

How to Make Chronic Pain Caregivers' Lives Easier in Gilford, NH, and Surrounding Areas

Thankfully, there are many tools and options available to caregivers in Gilford and the surrounding areas who experience chronic pain, allowing them to ease the burden of taking care of a loved one without sacrificing their own needs.

Remember the Needs for Your Own Health

Consult your doctor about strategies to manage your chronic pain more effectively without sacrificing your ability to provide care for others too much if it becomes too much for you to handle on your own. Alternative treatments like massage therapy or acupuncture may assist in lowering stress levels related to the disease, or there may be medications that might offer relief. Maintaining a pain journal can also assist you in monitoring flare-ups, including when they occur, their intensity, and whether they are triggered by particular foods or activities.

Engage in Support Group Activities

Making connections with other caregivers who have chronic pain can be a fantastic way to share emotional support during trying times and receive tips on coping mechanisms. Investigate online forums or neighborhood support groups in Gilford that are devoted to providing care for aging family members while controlling chronic pain.

What Are Signs of Chronic Pain?

The importance of chronic pain should be understood now, but many people are unaware of its definition.

Persistent pain that does not go away after 12 weeks, even after the underlying cause has been treated, is referred to as chronic pain. In comparison to sudden discomfort, chronic pain remains long after a disease or damage has healed. Numerous illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and nerve injury, can result in chronic pain. Chronic pain can lead to changes in mood, exhaustion, and trouble sleeping, in addition to physical discomfort. About 25% of American people, according to Cleveland Clinic, suffer from chronic pain.

Contact Visiting Angels

To find out how our in-home care services might benefit you and your loved one, give Visiting Angels of Gilford a call today!

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Serving the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and surrounding towns

Visiting Angels LAKES REGION, NH
401 Gilford Ave #208
Gilford, NH 03249
Phone: 603-366-1993

Serving the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and surrounding towns

Visiting Angels LAKES REGION, NH
401 Gilford Ave #208
Gilford, NH 03249
Phone: 603-366-1993