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Prevent Wandering with Dementia Care Services in Choctaw

provider of dementia care services in Choctaw assisting elderly patient down stairs

At Visiting Angels® Midwest City, we offer dementia care services for Choctaw area families. Our mission is to provide the one-on-one assistance many seniors need to remain in their homes and avoid transitioning to a care facility. For those with dementia, living at home adds an element of peace, familiarity, and comfort that simply cannot be replaced. We aim to help more seniors cope with their disorder from the privacy of their own homes. 

To keep your loved one safe, it's important to have a plan. When you secure our service, our team will work with you to develop a customized care strategy and set up the ideal schedule. Our goal is to create a sustainable situation where your loved one can get the help they need and you can reduce your own stress and take more time away. 

One of the most troubling symptoms of dementia, is the tendency of many sufferers to wander alone. They get scared and confused when they fail to recognize familiar faces and settings, and wandering is the typical response. Having someone around to provide home care is a great way to prevent this issue. However, you cannot be too careful when it comes to your loved one's safety. Let's go over some of the warning signs of wandering so that you can anticipate this problem before it occurs. 

Warning Signs of Wandering

  • Time Confusion. A clear sign that your loved one is at risk of wandering is if they get confused about the time period. They may refer to deceased relatives in the present tense or talk about elements from their past as if they are current. 
  • Physical Disorientation. Wandering stems from an inability to recognize familiar settings, so look for similar issues. They may have trouble finding their own bathroom within their home, or may even ask to 'go home' when they are already there. 
  • Severe Anxiety. Another warning sign of potential wandering is when they become stressed and agitated in public places. 

Kind and Loving Dementia Care Services for Choctaw Area Seniors

With customized help around their home, our caregivers can provide a safer and more comfortable living situation for your loved one. We know that living at home is a huge benefit for those with dementia, and we are proud to offer the flexible support your family needs to facilitate this living situation. Our kind and trustworthy support is available throughout:

  • Choctaw
  • Norman
  • Moore
  • Shawnee
  • Southeast Oklahoma City
  • Midwest City
  • Del City
  • and the surrounding areas

To learn more about our dementia care in Choctaw, contact Visiting Angels Midwest City today and arrange your free care consultation. 

Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109

Serving Oklahoma City and Southeast Oklahoma County

9024 SE 29th #C
Oklahoma City, OK 73130
Phone: 405-259-9155
Fax: 405-455-5109