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Good Hygiene Tips For Seniors

Good Hygiene Tips For Seniors

As we age, taking care of ourselves often becomes more difficult. What once was automatic, often becomes a struggle and a chore. From bending over to clip toenails as we grow larger around the midsection and less flexible, to reaching the back of our hair to get out the tangles and knots, personal hygiene can become difficult at times. However, having good hygiene is important, and can promote good health, as well as make seniors feel better about themselves overall. It can be hard to see our seniors’ hygiene decline, especially for those who so meticulously took care of themselves for years. Ensuring that doesn’t happen is important. Here are some good hygiene tips for seniors.

Keep Those Hands Clean

Washing hands is one of the most important daily hygiene routines and one that seniors should be doing many times away. It helps keep germs away and can limit the spread of viruses and bacteria. Seniors are often more susceptible to diseases, which heightens the need for hand washing. To be effective, it is important to wash for at least 20 seconds each time with warm soap and water, wetting both the front and back of the hands. To help make it easier for seniors, keep easy-to-use soap, such as a pump, at each sink. Get a great-smelling soap that your senior loves, which will encourage them even more to wash. Also, you can have hand sanitizer on hand throughout the home, which is especially handy for seniors with mobility issues, or who resist standing at a sink for long enough. 

Bathing and Showering

Keeping clean is essential for seniors, especially to keep bacteria away. And it isn’t just the hands that need to be washed. Washing the entire body with a shower or bath is key to keeping all of the necessary parts, and nooks and crannies where bacteria grow clean. Help the seniors in your life establish a routine. Maybe they don’t like a nighttime shower, because they won’t want their hair wet. Help them add a morning cleaning into their routine. As they age, many seniors are hesitant to shower or bathe, because they fear falling or slipping. Help ensure their environment is safe by removing any rugs or bath mats that could cause a tripping hazard. Install grab bars if necessary, both inside the shower area and outside to grab onto. Maybe they’d love more of a spa atmosphere. Install a massaging shower head if that will entice them to bathe. Or set up a bath with good-smelling salts.

Keep Nails Trimmed

Bacteria can hide under nails. Keeping them clean and trimmed is important. It can be tricky with old age to bend down and get those toes clipped. If you’re helping your senior, set aside a specific time each week to trim the nails. You also can get outside help. Many salons cater to seniors, who can stop in for a full pedicure, or even just a nail trim. Doctors' offices also offer the service. To make it fun for your senior, set up a spa day, and trim and paint the nails to help give them an overall boost in how they feel about their appearance.

Clean Garments

There’s nothing quite like stepping into some fresh and clean-smelling clothes. Help your senior keep up with their laundry if they are having trouble, or if you see them wearing the same thing over and over. Dirty clothes can be a breeding ground for the unhealthy. Get them some great-smelling detergent - but ensure it won’t irritate their skin. Have them sample a few different smells, and see what they like best. 

Don’t Forget Under the Arms

Putting on deodorant can be easy for seniors to forget. But chances are if they have, you will notice. Ensure they have plenty of underarm care on hand. You might want to stock one in each of their bathrooms, or beside where they sit. Find one they love the smell of, and want to wear. 

Get Some Help

For seniors who can’t take care of themselves as they once did, home care agencies including Visiting Angels Winter Park can help them maintain the standard they desire, from cleansing each day to ensuring their nails are clipped. With personal care services, trained professionals can help with toileting (and ensuring seniors are clean after using the toilet), hair washing, putting on clean clothes, and more. These compassionate caregivers understand how important it is for seniors to feel good about themselves, and to feel good in their own skin. They do what it takes to help ensure personal hygiene for senior citizens. Often seniors’ memories fade as they grow older, and they forget whether they bathed that day, brushed their teeth or applied deodorant. Home caregivers can help keep them on track. 

Visiting Angels Can Help

If you are looking for help caring for your senior loved one, Visiting Angels Winter Park/Orlando has professional and compassionate caregivers available to help meet your senior’s individual needs. Our trained professionals can help ensure your senior loved one keeps up with their hygiene, as well as other tasks they may need assistance with such as light housekeeping, meal prep, and safety when walking. From helping them get ready each morning, to washing up before bed, our caregivers can be on hand as much or as little as your senior loved one needs, to help them live their best, independent lives. 

Our trained caregivers help people in the Orlando Downtown East, Winter Park, and surrounding areas of Orange County. We can come into your home to assess your needs and discuss how we can help make this journey easier. For information contact us at (407) 236-9997.

Serving Orlando, Maitland, and Winter Park, Florida

Visiting Angels ORLANDO, FLORIDA
2221 Lee Rd #17
Winter Park, FL 32789
Phone: 407-236-9997
Fax: 407-740-8744

Serving Orlando, Maitland, and Winter Park, Florida

Visiting Angels ORLANDO, FLORIDA
2221 Lee Rd #17
Winter Park, FL 32789
Phone: 407-236-9997
Fax: 407-740-8744