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Dementia Care in Gold River

Dementia Care in Gold River

Provider of dementia care in Gold River hugging elderly patient

Tips for Dealing with Sundowning

According to the Alzheimer's Association, one in nine people age 65 and older has Alzheimer's or dementia. Nearly half of all family caregivers provide dementia care, many right here in Gold River, CA. 

For many seniors living with Alzheimer's or dementia, late afternoon and early evening can be a time of increased anxiety, memory loss, sadness, confusion, and even anger. These behavioral changes are known as sundown syndrome or sundowning. While the exact cause of sundowning is unknown, many factors can contribute to it, including:  

  • End of day fatigue
  • A breakdown of the body's "internal clock" 
  • Less need for sleep or becoming overly tired
  • Hunger or thirst
  • Depression or boredom
  • Low light conditions
  • Difficulty separating dreams from reality

5 Ways to Help a Loved One with Sundown Syndrome

Are you providing dementia care for a loved one with sundown syndrome? Use these tips to help minimize their symptoms and promote restful evenings. 

  1. Turn on lights and close blinds and curtains to avoid confusion that comes with shadows and darkness.  
  2. Avoid large meals and caffeine in the afternoon and evening. 
  3. Create a calm environment. Reduce the amount of activity, skip loud music or TV, and encourage quiet activities, such as reading or working on crafts.
  4. Look for patterns in your loved one's activities, diet, and environment, identify possible triggers, and avoid them when possible.
  5. Practice self-care. Sundowning can be exhausting for those experiencing it as well as their caretakers. Ask for and accept help to avoid caregiver burnout. Visiting Angels® Sacramento offers professional dementia care and compassionate caregivers for seniors in Gold River, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, Fair Oaks, Roseville, Orangevale, and the surrounding areas.

Dementia Care You Can Trust in Gold River

For one-on-one dementia care you can trust, call on Visiting Angels Sacramento. We offer a wide range of services, customized care plans, and one-on-one support from compassionate, trustworthy caregivers. Equally important, our services are available hourly on a full-time, part-time, or occasional basis to accommodate any scheduling need.

Our caregivers provide a nearly endless selection of services, from wandering prevention and medication reminders to transportation, meal planning, and help with personal care. We also offer respite care, giving family caregivers peace of mind while running errands or taking time to rest and recharge.

We Select Your Caregiver® based on physical and emotional needs, personality, and preferences, and regular monitoring is included in all care plans. Every step of the way, we're here to make life easier, safer, and more comfortable. 

Learn more about our dementia care services in Gold River by calling Visiting Angels Sacramento today and scheduling your free in-home consultation.

Serving Sacramento, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Gold River, Orangevale, Roseville, CA

Visiting Angels SACRAMENTO, CA
3808 Auburn Blvd #52
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: 916-971-9333
Fax: 916-971-9845
HCO #344700003