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Signs Your Parents Can No Longer Care for Each Other

Signs Your Parents Can No Longer Care for Each Other

Though it is sometimes hard to swallow, our parents are aging and may reach a point where they can no longer take care of themselves, or each other. It's a tough journey to manage for both parent and child, but there are often signs that they are starting to need additional help. As they get older, the burden of caring for a home and each other while also trying to manage the normal aging process, can become tiring and stressful, especially for those who have been living independently for their entire life. That's where home care comes in, and it can be a great fit for couples who want to remain independent in their own homes and age in place.

There are often signs that caring for themselves is becoming a struggle and it might be time to start the conversation about starting home care, here we will walk you through some of the top indicators that home care should be considered. 

Signs your Parents May Need Care Assistance

  1. Physical Limitations: Difficulty walking, unsteadiness on their feet, and any type of fall are cause for concern. Falls are the leading cause of hospitalization and injury in aging adults and no fall should be considered normal. A program such as Visiting Angels' Safe and Steady Fall Prevention can help you and your parents identify the fall risks within their home and guide you in taking steps to reduce further incidents. 
  2. Unexplained Bruises or Injuries: If you notice new cuts, bruises or burns that your parents are unable to explain, it could be sign of cognitive decline or increased frailty from a medical condition.
  3. Changes in Memory or Behavior: Memory decline, confusion and disorientation can be symptoms of dementia and are not just signs of normal aging. Also, increased anger and even paranoia can signal personality and behavior changes that require medical attention and supervision. 
  4. Social Isolation and Loneliness: Loneliness can have a negative impact on a senior's mental health. Watch for signs of social withdrawal and disengagement and seek out ways in which you can encourage them to connect with others. Having a companion caregiver can help ease these feelings of isolation and can also get them to engage with activities and possibly even other seniors outside of the home. 
  5. Financial Struggles: Do you notice your parents struggling to get bills paid on time or manage their finances. This can be another sign that they need assistance. 
  6. Neglecting Personal Hygiene and Housework: A decline in self-care, such as dirty or messy hair, body odor and/or a messy home environment can be an indicator that they are no longer able to properly care for themselves.
  7. Transportation Issues: Getting lost while driving or concerns about driving might be cause for concern. Missing appointments or running out of essentials like groceries due to transportation challenges also indicate it is time to consider alternative options. In home caregivers, like those from Visiting Angels, are able to assist with running errands, picking up medications and getting to/from appointments.
  8. Changes in Medical Condition: Some medications require special diets, activity restrictions or complicated medication regimens. If your parents are unable to correctly follow the doctor's orders, they may need additional support. 

How Home Care from Visiting Angels Can Assist Aging Parents

If you have concerns that your parents are no longer able to safely care for themselves or each other, it may be time to consider home care options. A home care agency such as Visiting Angels can provide care wherever your parents call home, allowing them to remain where they are most comfortable and age in place. From providing medication reminders, assisting with housekeeping and meals, to providing transportation to and from the grocery store or just simply companionship, our caregivers are ready and willing to help where needed. Please don't hesitate to reach out to learn more about our home care options and how we can provide your parents with proper in home care while giving you peace of mind. Reach us by phone at 952-935-0789 or use our online contact form.

Serving Minneapolis and the West and Southwest Communities

Visiting Angels WAYZATA, MN
901 Twelve Oaks Center Dr #908C
Wayzata, MN 55391
Phone: 952-935-0789
Fax: 952-935-0778

Serving Minneapolis and the West and Southwest Communities

Visiting Angels WAYZATA, MN
901 Twelve Oaks Center Dr #908C
Wayzata, MN 55391
Phone: 952-935-0789
Fax: 952-935-0778