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Serving Linn and Johnson Counties, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and the Surrounding Areas

Visiting Angels CEDAR RAPIDS, IA
1221 Park Pl NE #G2
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: 319-531-7635
Fax: 319-531-7636

Signs Your Loved One in Cedar Rapids Might Need Home Care

Provider of home care in Cedar Rapids with elderly patient

For many families across America, the holidays are a chance to reconnect and spend time with loved ones they don’t always see throughout the year. If you’re making a trip to visit an aging loved one in the Cedar Rapids, IA area this holiday season, your trip is a chance to brighten your loved one’s day and show them you care. It’s also an opportunity for you to learn more about your loved one's day-to-day life to determine if they could benefit from the home care services available from Visiting Angels® Cedar Rapids.

Does Your Loved One in Cedar Rapids Need Home Care?

If you keep in touch with your loved one in Cedar Rapids through phone calls and e-mails throughout the year, you might not be aware of their home care needs. Your loved one might not let you know they’re having a hard time living on their own, or they may be in denial of the age-related challenges they’re facing.

As you visit your loved one’s home this holiday season, it’s important you keep an eye out for signs they might need home care services from Visiting Angels Cedar Rapids. Being proactive about getting your loved one care that’s right for them will ensure they’re able to live safely and comfortably.

Some signs a loved one in Cedar Rapids, Hiawatha, Fairfax, Anamosa, Mt. Vernon, Marion, Iowa City, or the surrounding areas might need care include:

  • Neglect Around the House. Unopened mail and unpaid bills, clutter and dirt around the house, rotting food in the fridge, little or no fresh food.
  • Poor Personal Hygiene. Worn-out or stained clothing, a noticeable odor, not bathing regularly.
  • Changes in Physical Ability. Balance problems, trouble walking or standing, fatigue, weight loss.
  • A Decline in Cognitive Functioning. Forgetfulness, no interest in favorite activities, mood swings, confusion during everyday tasks.

Arranging Home Care in Cedar Rapids

At Visiting Angels Cedar Rapids, we make it easy for families to arrange supportive and compassionate home care for their loved ones. We’ll give you complete peace of mind by offering a free care consultation, a personalized care plan, and an opportunity for you to Select Your Caregiver®. With our comprehensive services, you’ll be confident that your loved one has care tailored to meet their emotional, social, and physical needs.

Call Visiting Angels Cedar Rapids today to get started with compassionate home care for your loved one.


Serving Linn and Johnson Counties, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and the Surrounding Areas

Visiting Angels CEDAR RAPIDS, IA
1221 Park Pl NE #G2
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Phone: 319-531-7635
Fax: 319-531-7636