Post Surgery Care in Frankenmuth, Saginaw, MI and Nearby Areas
In case your loved one is scheduled for surgery in the near future, you are probably looking for home care companies that can help them recover safely at home. If this is the case, please contact Visiting Angels Frankenmuth today. We provide exceptional senior care services in the Great Lakes Bay area in Michigan. Our trained caregivers can assist your loved one with everyday tasks and help them recuperate comfortably in the privacy of their home.
How Home Care Companies Like Visiting Angels Help Seniors in Frankenmuth, Saginaw, Bay City, MI, and Surrounding Areas Safely Recover at Home After Having Surgery
Most seniors are sent home immediately after most routine orthopedic surgeries. During their recovery, they might need professional senior care in order to get back on their feet as quickly as possible. Professional home care companies such as Visiting Angels Frankenmuth offer recovery care to help seniors restore their health and avoid costly hospital readmission.
How We Help Seniors in Frankenmuth and Surrounding Areas Recover
At Visiting Angels Frankenmuth, we understand that your loved one will need an increased level of care during the recovery period. We will work closely with their medical team to create a personalized care plan that best suits their needs and preferences. Our goal is not only to help your loved one get back on their feet but also to boost their quality of life.
Our skilled caregivers are trained to assist our clients with a variety of everyday tasks, such as:
- Personal hygiene – Our care providers can deliver dignified care and assist your parent with personal tasks such as bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, and more.
- Mobility assistance – With help from our care providers, your loved one will be able to move safely around their home.
- Medication reminders – After their surgery, your parent will most likely need to take several medications throughout the day. We can make sure they take them as scheduled.
- Meal preparation – Our caregivers can prepare nutritious meals for your parent to boost their recovery.
- Light housekeeping tasks – We will keep your loved one’s home clean by assisting them with vacuuming, cleaning, laundry, and more.
If you are searching for high-quality care for your senior loved one, look no further. At Visiting Angels Frankenmuth, we offer exceptional personal care services, trained and compassionate caregivers, personalized care plans, and affordable hourly rates.
Contact our office in Frankenmuth, MI, to find out more about what sets us apart from other home care companies in the Great Lakes Bay region.

Serving the Great Lakes Bay Region in Michigan, including Frankenmuth, Saginaw, Bay City and surrounding areas
Visiting Angels FRANKENMUTH, MI
527 N Franklin St #CFrankenmuth, MI 48734
Phone: 989-652-6435
Fax: 989-652-6365