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5 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude for Seniors

5 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude for Seniors

Thanksgiving is a time for appreciating all the beautiful aspects and wonderful people in our lives. However, practicing gratitude shouldn’t be reserved solely for the holidays. Counting your blessings can be done year-round. And in doing so, seniors can improve their mental well-being.

How Gratitude Can Help Seniors - 5 Benefits

Practicing gratitude is the act of acknowledging and showing appreciation for everything in your life that is positive, valuable, and meaningful. These can be close friends, a loving family, fulfilling hobbies, or something as simple as a beautiful sunset.

Demonstrating gratitude has been shown to reduce depression, alleviate anxiety, and even support heart health. It can also vastly enhance an older adult’s quality of life. The following are five examples of the benefits gratitude brings to seniors.

1. Reduces Anxiety and Depression 

Maintaining your mental health at any age is essential. Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude have lower levels of depression. Gratitude also gives you a more positive outlook on life and is a powerful coping tool for stress and anxiety.

People who regularly express gratitude also have stronger social relationships, higher self-esteem, and higher life satisfaction. 

2. A Better Night’s Rest 

Do you struggle with sleeping difficulties? If so, practicing gratitude may boost your quality of sleep. Reflecting on what you're thankful for right before bed improves your mental outlook and reduces worries that can keep you up at night.

Keep a journal by your bed and jot down three to five things you are thankful for every night. Include everything you are grateful for that day, no matter how big or small it might be. 

3. Improves Your Physical Health 

Practicing gratitude isn’t just beneficial for your mind. It can also improve your physical health. Gratitude has been shown to lower blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Grateful people are also more likely to maintain healthy lifestyles, such as eating nutritious diets and regularly exercising. 

4. Healthier Relationships 

Gratitude enhances all areas of your life, including the quality of your relationships. Being thankful for your friends and family demonstrates how much you care. This deepens relationships with your spouse, children, grandkids, and friends.

Consider writing a letter to your loved ones expressing your appreciation for them. Even the tiniest gestures can have huge impacts. 

5. A More Positive Outlook 

Seniors who practice gratitude enjoy a more positive outlook on life. Maintaining a “my cup is half full” mindset allows you to be more optimistic and enjoy your life to the fullest. 

Enhance Your Quality of Life with Companion Care Services 

Are you a senior who has feelings of loneliness and isolation? While practicing gratitude can help, you might need additional assistance. Visiting Angels Huntington, WV provides award-winning companion care solutions to seniors throughout Huntington, Barboursville, Milton, and the surrounding area.

Our compassionate caregivers will provide you with social interaction and emotional support. They can also assist you with light housekeeping, transportation, meal planning and preparation, and more.

Contact us today by calling (304) 400-4946 to learn if companion care is a good fit for you.

Serving Huntington, Barboursville, Milton and the Surrounding Areas

Visiting Angels HUNTINGTON, WV
6007 US Rte 60 E #109
Barboursville, WV 25504
Phone: 304-400-4946

Serving Huntington, Barboursville, Milton and the Surrounding Areas

Visiting Angels HUNTINGTON, WV
6007 US Rte 60 E #109
Barboursville, WV 25504
Phone: 304-400-4946