Visiting Angels Portland, CT solely provides non-medical care

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Caregiver in Portland CT

Caregiver in Portland CT

caregiver in Portland CT sitting with elderly patient

At Visiting Angels® Portland CT, our caregivers make it possible for local seniors to continue living at home. Our support is customized to provide the exact help your loved one needs to get through the day. We are proud to offer the perfect solution for families that want the absolute best for their senior relatives.

To provide total comfort and peace of mind, we choose wonderful, trustworthy people to serve as caregivers. Thanks to extensive background and reference checks, every person we send into local homes has a history of honesty, compassion, and senior care experience. You can be sure your loved one will receive kind, compassionate help from a caring professional. 

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Caregiver in Portland CT

When your family member begins to lose the ability to maintain a safe and stable life on their own, you have a couple different options. You could move them to an assisted living facility or provide daily in-home care yourself. However, there are serious problems with both of these choices. Moving out of their home can be traumatic and stressful, while also maximizing potential confusion and loneliness. Providing constant care yourself can be unsustainable. 

Our service is the perfect middle ground. We can step in and deliver amazing care for your relative, while giving you a much-needed break. This means you can give your loved one all the benefits of a safe, comfortable home life without wearing yourself too thin. We offer:

  • A critical respite for family
  • Amazing companionship from a positive and kind person
  • Help keeping up with daily tasks like bathing and grooming
  • Reminders to take their medication and adhere to doctor's orders
  • Injury prevention
  • Help getting around safely
  • Running errands, helping with housework, preparing meals, and more!

Trusted Caregivers From Visiting Angels Portland CT

Our Select Your Caregiver® process is a reliable method for matching your relative with the right care provider. Our goal is to provide them with a capable professional that they'll get along with, so personal details are factored in along with the necessary professional skills. We invite family members to screen our choice and provide feedback. If you decide you want other options, we will provide additional candidates. 

Our services are available around:

  • Portland CT
  • East Hampton
  • Haddam
  • East Haddam
  • Killingworth
  • Deep River
  • Chester
  • And nearby areas

To start off with an initial care consultation and find out more details about our caregiver service, call Visiting Angels Portland CT today. 

Serving Southern Hartford and Eastern Middlesex Counties

Visiting Angels PORTLAND, CT
278 Main St
Portland, CT 06480
Phone: 860-372-4429
Fax: 203-298-9677