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Sleep Well, Age Well: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout Your Senior Years

Sleep Well, Age Well: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout Your Senior Years

As we age, our quality of sleep becomes increasingly important. Sleep is essential for brain health, physical health, and stabilizing our mood. Although most seniors recognize the importance of a good night’s sleep, many struggle during the night. Factors such as changes in hormones, pain, side effects of medications, or chronic illness can cause sleep disruptions throughout the night. Poor sleep can result in fatigue, anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairment. It can also increase the risk of chronic health conditions.

Fortunately, seniors can improve their sleep and get quality rest so that they can continue to age well. If you’re a senior who is tired of waking up in the middle of the night, here are a few tips to help you get quality rest starting tonight.

Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

The first tip is to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed around the same time each night helps to regulate the body’s internal clock. Your mind and body will naturally begin to wind down as your bedtime approaches, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Likewise, setting a consistent time to wake up each morning reinforces your circadian rhythm. If you’ve been going to bed consistently around the same time and continue to struggle with sleep, you might benefit from a sleep study. Places like Aurora Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Center at St. Nicholas Hospital offer a comprehensive array of diagnostic and treatment procedures, including helping seniors establish a consistent sleep-wake pattern.

Create a Cozy Sleep Environment

Next, it’s important that seniors create a cozy sleep environment in order to fall asleep and stay asleep all night long. Your bedroom should be dark and quiet. Cooler temperatures at night are also important for quality sleep. If irregular noises around the house or outside are keeping you up at night, use a sound machine to help drown out the sounds. Another important consideration is your mattress. If it’s no longer comfortable, consider replacing it. Places like the Mattress Firm and Box Drop offer quality mattresses at low-cost prices.

Stay Active During the Day

Quality sleep at night often corresponds with how active you are during the day. Another tip for quality sleep is to stay active throughout the day. Engaging in regular fitness, participating in hobbies, and socializing with family and friends helps seniors maintain a healthy sleep-wake balance. By the end of the day, seniors who have had an active day transition easier into restful sleep. If you’re looking for ways to stay active, check out Uptown Social. This organization offers several programs for seniors to help them stay active and engaged. Seniors can also enroll in fitness classes for older adults at the Sheboygan County YMCA.

Develop a Brief Bedtime Routine

Lastly, developing a brief bedtime routine can help seniors unwind and relax, putting them in the perfect mindset to fall asleep. Bedtime routines don’t need to be complicated or tedious. However, your routine should be somewhat consistent and conducive to falling asleep. Try drinking a bedtime tea in the evening to help unwind your mind. Take a few minutes to journal thoughts of gratitude before changing into your pajamas. Listen to relaxing music while you brush your teeth, or keep the lights dim after dinner to avoid resetting your body’s natural clock. Whatever you choose to incorporate into your bedtime routine, a consistent routine can help you get into the mindset of sleeping.

If the stress of living alone is keeping you up at night, Visiting Angels Sheboygan is here to help. Our compassionate caregivers can assist seniors in various ways to improve their sleep quality. Whether you need assistance with evening tasks, such as preparing for bed, getting into comfortable pajamas, or need help creating a cozy sleep environment that isn’t cluttered, we’re here for you. Our care plans are tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring they remain safe, comfortable, and independent in their own homes. To learn more, please contact us today by calling 920-221-1000.

Serving Sheboygan and Manitowoc Counties

Visiting Angels SHEBOYGAN, WI
2108 Kohler Memorial Dr #70
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Phone: 920-221-1000
Fax: 920-328-0324

Serving Sheboygan and Manitowoc Counties

Visiting Angels SHEBOYGAN, WI
2108 Kohler Memorial Dr #70
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Phone: 920-221-1000
Fax: 920-328-0324