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Who We Are

Serving West Chester, Exton, Bryn Mawr and Downingtown, PA

Visiting Angels DEERFIELD PA
728 Cory St Suite 215
Grapevine, PA 15241
Phone: 610-555-8761
Fax: 610-111-1111

Who We Are

Our Mission: To Improve the Quality of Life for Those Suffering with Alzheimer's Disease and Their Families

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Alzheimer's Services

Test Alzheimer’s services are part of a comprehensive Visiting Angels service program called “Life Care Navigation ™.”

Most often, after an initial diagnosis of Alzheimer's or a related dementia illness, families are faced with difficult decisions about providing care for their loved one. Working parents with children are faced with new stresses to balance work and family. Families who are separated by great distances must make hard choices about how to provide dementia or Alzheimer’s care services. Sometimes nursing homes or special care retirement centers seem to be the only options. You do have a choice and we can help.

Visiting Angels Alzheimer’s care services allow your loved one to maintain the independence of their daily routines and familiar surroundings. We can help your loved one avoid the emotional trauma of leaving their cherished home while helping cope with the dementia illness and providing the respite care so important for the family.

Serving West Chester, Exton, Bryn Mawr and Downingtown, PA

Visiting Angels DEERFIELD PA
728 Cory St Suite 215
Grapevine, PA 15241
Phone: 610-555-8761
Fax: 610-111-1111

Serving West Chester, Exton, Bryn Mawr and Downingtown, PA

Visiting Angels DEERFIELD PA
728 Cory St Suite 215
Grapevine, PA 15241
Phone: 610-555-8761
Fax: 610-111-1111