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Signs of Dehydration

Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration can happen to anyone. And older adults living in warm climates such as Alabama have a higher risk. As the summer rolls in, it’s essential to learn about the signs of dehydration and ways to prevent it so you can keep yourself safe.  

What is Dehydration 

Your body needs fluids to operate correctly. Your body naturally loses fluids through urination and sweat, but when your body loses more fluids than it’s taking in, it causes dehydration. If you’re dehydrated, you’ll likely experience extreme thirst, infrequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, and confusion. If left untreated, dehydration can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and excessive sweating.  

Dehydration can affect anyone, but it is more prone to happen to older adults. As we age, our bodies have a more challenging time conserving water, making it easier to lose fluids. The body also becomes less acute to thirst, so it’s harder to tell when you’re thirsty. In most cases, you can treat dehydration by rehydrating your body with water. However, if you’re experiencing extreme signs of dehydration, such as a fever or loss of consciousness, seek medical attention immediately.  

Tips for Keeping Yourself Hydrated 

Hydration is your best defense against dehydration. It sounds simple, but staying hydrated can be tricky. Here are some tips for keeping yourself hydrated.  

  • Drink water- The best way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim to drink at least seven 8oz glasses of water, but more if you’re spending time outdoors or doing something physical. If you’re having trouble remembering to drink water, you can set the alarm on your phone to go off every 30 minutes to an hour to remind you to have a glass of water. You can also add fruit slices and berries to your water for additional flavor.  
  • Avoid large amounts of caffeine and alcohol- Drinking too much caffeine and alcohol can cause your body to dehydrate faster than average. Limit the amount of coffee and tea you drink in a day. Also, resist binge drinking alcohol, especially on warmer summer days.  
  • Drink fluids with electrolytes- If you get bored with drinking water, you can drink other fluids to hydrate your body. Look for liquids with electrolytes, which is a substance that helps balance the water in your body. Drinks high in electrolytes include coconut water, milk, and Pedialyte. Many sports drinks are also high in electrolytes, but they also tend to be high in sugar, so be careful not to drink too many.  
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables- Many fresh fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of water, making them an excellent hydrating snack. Some options that tend to have the highest amounts of water include berries, oranges, grapes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, and melons. Make sure the fruits and vegetables you’re eating are fresh or frozen, not canned. Some canned produce includes additives such as sugar and salt.  
  • Limit your time in the sun- Spending too much time in the sun can cause your body to dehydrate. If you’re outside on a warm, sunny day, make sure you’re keeping your body cool and staying hydrated with water.  
  • Be careful when exercising- Working out causes you to sweat, and when you sweat, you lose fluids. If you’re exercising, make sure you’re drinking extra water to make up for the fluids you’re losing from the physical activity.  

How Visiting Angels Can Help 

If you or an aging loved one needs help staying hydrated, Visiting Angels Daphne, Alabama could help. Our team of caregivers can help set reminders to drink water, find fresh produce to eat, and monitor for signs of dehydration. Our caregivers also help with light housekeeping, meal preparations, personal grooming, and transportation. Our Daphne office serves those in Baldwin County and the greater Mobile area. If you’d like to learn more about our services or schedule a free consultation, you can complete this form online or give us a call at 251. 517.9700. 

Serving All of Baldwin County, AL and the Greater Mobile Area

Visiting Angels DAPHNE, AL
25369 US Hwy 98 #A
Daphne, AL 36526
Phone: 251-517-9700
Fax: 251-517-9702

Serving All of Baldwin County, AL and the Greater Mobile Area

Visiting Angels DAPHNE, AL
25369 US Hwy 98 #A
Daphne, AL 36526
Phone: 251-517-9700
Fax: 251-517-9702