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Dementia Care in Sacramento: Early Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a general term that describes a decline in cognitive function which is severe enough to affect a person's ability to complete daily tasks. The most commonly known form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. If you suspect a family member has dementia, it is important to seek help early. As part of your support team, dementia care from an experienced agency such as Visiting Angels® Sacramento CA, can help bring peace of mind to your family. 

Signs to Watch Out For

If you suspect your loved one might have dementia, it is always a good idea to speak with their physician. As an experienced provider of dementia care, Visiting Angels Sacramento is familiar with the early warning signs of dementia. Your loved one may display some combination of the following symptoms:

provider of dementia care in Sacramento standing with elderly woman
  • Forgetting recent events or new information and being unable to recall them later -Asking the same question over and over again is a red flag
  • Difficulty completing everyday tasks such as finding your way home, getting dressed, or preparing a meal
  • Language issues may include forgetting the meaning of words or using them incorrectly, along with the inability to follow a conversation
  • Seniors with dementia may forget where they are or how they got there, and be unable to recognize familiar places
  • Difficulty concentrating or sudden challenges with balancing the checkbook or working with numbers
  • While it's not uncommon to misplace items, someone with dementia may put objects in odd places and be unable to find them
  • Dementia can cause adults to have sudden mood swings such as depression with no apparent cause
  • Someone with dementia may lose interest in their favorite activities or become withdrawn socially
  • Seniors with dementia can exhibit poor judgment in regards to personal hygiene, seasonally appropriate clothing choices, and money
  • Poor spatial skills such as direction or distance, particularly when driving 

The Importance of Dementia Care for Seniors in Sacramento 

Professional dementia care from Visiting Angels Sacramento can help keep your loved one safe at home and prevent wandering. Caregivers can help your loved one by providing monitoring and assisting with daily tasks. Memory care professionals know how to handle the ins and outs of dementia and are able to compassionately care for seniors who are living with the disorder.

Call Visiting Angels Sacramento today and ask about our dementia care services and how they can help your loved one.

Serving Sacramento, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Gold River, Orangevale, Roseville, CA

Visiting Angels SACRAMENTO, CA
3808 Auburn Blvd #52
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: 916-971-9333
Fax: 916-971-9845
HCO #344700003

Serving Sacramento, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Fair Oaks, Gold River, Orangevale, Roseville, CA

Visiting Angels SACRAMENTO, CA
3808 Auburn Blvd #52
Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone: 916-971-9333
Fax: 916-971-9845
HCO #344700003