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Serving San Luis Obispo County, California

Visiting Angels SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA
3211 Broad St #105
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: 805-546-2080
Fax: 805-888-2856
HCO #404700016
Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your Family’s Caregiver

Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your Family’s Caregiver

In-home caregivers spend a lot of time with their clients. A positive relationship with your loved one’s caregiver creates a supportive environment for both parties. It also establishes a sense of shared responsibility, where everyone involved is focused on the same goal: the well-being and comfort of your loved one.

3 Tips to Foster a Solid Bond With a Senior Relative’s Caregiver

With the same priorities in mind, many caregivers and family members are able to develop and maintain healthy, productive relationships. Read on for some of our top tips to help aid this process.

Get to Know Each Other

Spend time chatting with your family member’s caregiver as often as possible. Get to know their personality and form a connection with them. Be sure to include them in events, holidays, and other celebrations. Show your gratitude and appreciation for the caregiver with words, thank you cards, and other gestures. After all, this person is a central figure in your loved one’s life and will likely become one in yours as well. 

Trust the Caregiver’s Experience

It’s not easy to trust someone to care for a person who is so important to you. However, you can rest assured that Visiting Angels caregivers undergo an extensive background check prior to being hired. Our team members also receive thorough and ongoing training once they begin employment. You can trust that your cherished family member is receiving high quality care from our highly skilled caregivers. 

Use Them as a Resource

Caregivers are incredibly knowledgeable in many areas. In the same way that they ask questions about your family member, you can gain valuable information from their caregiver, especially if you two share care duties. You can ask them for tips about bed transferring, grooming, and other essential tasks. If your loved one has a memory-related condition or cognitive decline, caregivers can provide insights on how to handle challenging moments. 

A Mutually Respectful Relationship Benefits Everyone 

Caregiving can be exhausting and emotional work. Remain mindful of this fact and understand that your senior loved one’s caregiver may feel stressed on occasion. Give them positive feedback and encouragement in these tough periods. 

At Visiting Angels San Luis Obispo, our kind and friendly caregivers make it a priority to get to know their client’s families. To learn more about how our non-medical home care services can help support your family in San Luis Obispo, fill out our contact form or give us a call at 805-546-2080.

Serving San Luis Obispo County, California

Visiting Angels SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA
3211 Broad St #105
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: 805-546-2080
Fax: 805-888-2856
HCO #404700016