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Serving Fredericksburg, VA and Surrounding Counties

1952 William St
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-373-6906
Fax: 540-899-9674

When Is Respite Care Needed for Family Caregivers?

When Is Respite Care Needed for Family Caregivers?

America is filled with unrecognized heroes. One group whose selflessness is consistently overlooked is
family caregivers. Over 15 million Americans support family members through at-home care and
assistance, providing over 17 billion combined hours of unpaid care each year. But even if that care is
unpaid, it still comes at a cost, as any caregiver who’s suffered from caregiver stress syndrome can tell

Too often, family caregivers find themselves overtaxed, over-stressed, and overwhelmed. This puts
caregivers at risk of burnout and can lead to high levels of mental and physical strain. One solution is
respite care by family members, home health care professionals, or non-medical home care agencies.
Respite care gives family caregivers a way to make time for self-care, even while remaining their loved
one’s primary caregiver. If you think you might benefit from respite care, consider the following…
Are You at Risk of Caregiver Stress & Burnout?

Family caregivers tend to go above and beyond when caring for their loved ones, but this can often
result in caregivers stretching themselves thin — physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many family
caregivers spend more time on care than they would at a full-time job, and it can sometimes feel like
your loved one’s care has taken over your life.

This results in what is called caregiver stress or, in the most extreme cases, caregiver burnout. Some of
the signs of caregiver burnout include: Anxiety, anger, and depression

Serving Fredericksburg, VA and Surrounding Counties

1952 William St
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-373-6906
Fax: 540-899-9674