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Serving Fredericksburg, VA and Surrounding Counties

2200 Carl D. Silver Pkwy #103
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-373-6906
Fax: 540-899-9674
How Transitional Care in Fredericksburg Reduces Hospital Readmissions

Serving Fredericksburg, VA and Surrounding Counties

2200 Carl D. Silver Pkwy #103
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-373-6906
Fax: 540-899-9674

How Transitional Care in Fredericksburg Reduces Hospital Readmissions

Ready-Set-Go Home with Transitional Care

Many adults experience a decline in functionality after being hospitalized. As a result, they can find it difficult to complete basic activities and adhere to their doctors' advice. The Ready-Set-Go Home transitional care program from Visiting Angels® Fredericksburg has been designed to remedy this problem. Our professional care providers deliver the support elderly adults need prior to, during, and after their hospital discharge, helping them make a successful transition and recovery.

What Causes Hospital Readmissions?

Nearly one in five seniors on Medicare is rehospitalized within a single month of undergoing a hospital discharge. There are many reasons behind this statistic, but one of the most influential factors is that elderly adults typically lack the energy to maintain their own well-being following a hospital stay. When they don't have the strength or motivation to take medications on schedule, go to follow-up appointments, or even prepare healthy food, their chances of making a full recovery can decline significantly. 

If you're worried about how your loved one will manage to avoid a hospital readmission after their discharge, transitional care may be the answer you're looking for. Our services have been specifically created to provide crucial support that can make a huge difference in the trajectory of your loved one's recovery.

How Transitional Care From Visiting Angels Fredericksburg Helps

We'll meet with you, your loved one, and other involved family members while your loved one is still in the hospital. As part of our Ready-Set-Go Home program, we'll provide help with creating a plan for the discharge process. For example, we'll give you our Ready-Set-Go Home discharge planning guide, which includes helpful tips and instructions for gathering important details from your loved one's health care provider. We'll also coordinate a plan for implementing your loved one's home care after their discharge.

Once your loved one is safely home, our caregivers will be ready to assist with basic activities of daily living. We can offer timely medication reminders, pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy, prepare nutritious meals, assist with walking and mobility, and more. The types of services we provide your loved one during this crucial time will depend on their unique needs and preferences, as well as the advice of their physicians.

Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of transitional care? Contact Visiting Angels Fredericksburg today to reserve a free consultation in Fredericksburg, King George, Mine Run, Lake of the Woods, Spotsylvania, Stafford, or a neighboring community.

Serving Fredericksburg, VA and Surrounding Counties

2200 Carl D. Silver Pkwy #103
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-373-6906
Fax: 540-899-9674