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24-Hour Home Care

Serving Beaumont and the Golden Triangle

Visiting Angels BEAUMONT, TX
350 Pine St #315
Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-291-4029
Fax: 409-291-8645

24-Hour Home Care

Visiting Angels
Beaumont, TX

Full-time in-home care is an affordable alternative to residential care, and is usually a significantly less stressful option as well. Our services offer around the clock care, offering support for everyday living, as well as tailored care for chronic conditions.

If you are looking for a personalized, compassionate 24-hour care option that allows your loved one to remain in the comfort of home, Visiting Angels of Beaumont, TX is the solution. Our 24-hour caregivers provide direct supervision and support, customizing their care plan to meet clients' specific needs. You'll have the peace of mind of knowing that your loved one is safe and comfortable at home, without sacrificing quality of care or needing to move to an assisted living facility.

Beaumont’s Care Community

In Beaumont, we love partnering with our friends at Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas, Theracare Home Health- Beaumont, PAM Rehab hospital of Beaumont, and many others as we provide excellent home care services.

Visiting Angels 24-Hour Home Care Services

Our full-time care offers assistance with a wide range of needs, from personal care and meal preparation to a high level of care for complex medical conditions, even in the middle of the night.

We provide the following services:

  • Companionship
  • Incontinence Care
  • Mobility and Transferring
  • Help Getting Dressed
  • Hair Care
  • Toileting
  • Support for Everyday Tasks
  • Memory Care
  • Medication Reminders
  • Preventing Falls
  • Bathing and Hygiene
  • Meal Planning and Preparation
  • Respite for Family Members
  • Light Homekeeping
  • Care Plan Coordination

​How Is 24-Hour Home Health Care Better?

24-hour home care is the only care solution that provides 24/7 supervision and support in the comfort of home.

Other options, such as hourly care or live-in caregivers, are only able to provide intermittent care. Since a live-caregiver must have periods of rest, there are gaps in care. In contrast, 24-hour caregivers rotate their shifts in order to provide the best care at all hours of the day and night.

This type of care is usually the best option for those whose conditions require continuous oversight and support.

Visiting Angels of Beaumont, TX is a home care agency committed to helping seniors in our community age with dignity, in the comfort of their homes.

When Is It Time for Full-Time Care?

  • Family Caregiver Burnout: It is very difficult to provide 24/7 care to a family member without sacrificing in other areas, such as career, other relationships, or self-care. If the family is becoming burned out and other parts of their lives are fraying, it's the right time to consider 24-hour home care. Once family members are able to get a much-needed break and balance is restored, quality of life improves for everyone.
  • Worsening Physical Impairments make daily living very hard - or unnavigable - without a helping hand close by. Visiting Angels care providers will curate a safe home environment, preventing falls by keeping stray items picked up and supervising the safe use of mobility aids. WIth a professional caregiver present and alert at all times, those with mobility challenges can live a safe and comfortable life without having to leave their homes.
  • Cognitive Impairments: If memory and cognition are declining, that is a good sign that 24-hour in-home care is needed in order to provide constant supervision and attentive care. Worsening cognitive impairments can cause hazardous behaviors, such as wandering, that are often worse in the evening and nighttime hours. Maintaining familiar surroundings is important for those who suffer memory issues, as well, making 24-hour home care a very good option.

Benefits of 24-Hour In-Home Care

There are many benefits to 24-hour care! By providing round-the-clock supervision, personalized care, and emotional support, Visiting Angels caregivers can help your loved one maintain their independence, dignity, and overall well-being.

Improved Quality of Life

Visiting Angels is all about helping older adults in Beaumont, TX age in place, reducing the need to move to a nursing home.

We work hard to improve our clients' sense of connection by providing companion care, as well as making sure that all the necessary activities of daily living are handled. By helping with these kinds of everyday tasks, every part of life gets better - disease management, social life, personal care, nutrition, sleep...the list goes on. By looking after all these needs, we ensure that our clients’ quality of life is much higher than it would be without us.

Personal Freedom

One common concern a care seeker might have is that 24-hour care will inhibit their sense of autonomy. This is not the case! Our caregivers are trained to offer compassionate, respectful support; when seniors are supported in this way, they are empowered to participate in their care, making decisions and caring for themselves as much as possible. Our caregivers set clients up for success, encouraging independence by offering just the right amount of support needed to succeed.

Respite Care

Family caregivers can become burned out quickly when a loved one needs 24/7 attendance. The mountain of daily tasks that need done is overwhelming when added to an already busy schedule. Knowing that a loved one is receiving excellent care in the comfort of their home allows the family to get some much-needed rest, and our comprehensive services ensure that this is a great option for the long term - we are able to offer around the clock support for a wide variety of needs.

The benefits of respite care include a higher quality of care, better physical and mental health outcomes, and improved family dynamics. Life is all about balance - we're here to help you find a balance that works better for everyone.

Reduced Stress

When a loved one lacks necessary support to be safe and comfortable, stress takes a toll on everyone. Worries about what could happen in the middle of the night can detract from work, sleep, relationships, and recreation.

When a dedicated caregiver is present to provide high quality care, help with activities of daily living, offer support, and respond to crises, everyone in the family experiences less stress. Relationships improve and family members are more rested, all while allowing your loved one to receive high-quality care in the comfort of their own home.

How to Reach Visiting Angels of Beaumont, TX

Call us at (409) 291-4029 today; we are here to answer any questions or book you for a FREE initial consultation. At your consultation, we will take a full history and work with you to create a fully personalized plan of care.

Customer Review

Visiting Angels has been a Godsend. My husband is bedridden and I'm his caregiver. We have no children to help us so having a sitter come 3 times a week is very much needed. I'm under alot of stress so having someone who is trustworthy and kind sit with my husband is a blessing.


Contact Us Today

Serving Beaumont and the Golden Triangle

Visiting Angels BEAUMONT, TX
350 Pine St #315
Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-291-4029
Fax: 409-291-8645