Transitional Care in Lawton Helps Avoid Hospital Readmissions
Ready-Set-Go Home with Transitional Care
Seniors face special challenges when they are discharged from a hospital. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) report that one of every five seniors is readmitted to the hospital within 30 days after being discharged. This disturbing fact is often due to a lack of a transitional care plan from the hospital. At Visiting Angels® Lawton, we are committed to enriching the lives of seniors and their families. It’s why we developed a comprehensive transitional care program to help minimize hospital readmissions. Our plan, called Ready-Set-Go Home, provides professional non-medical transitional care after being discharged from the hospital.
How Transitional Care Helps
The factors outlined here may trigger a hospital readmission, but Ready-Set-Go Home offers a way to eliminate these triggers:
- No hospital discharge plan. Before your loved one leaves the hospital, Visiting Angels Lawton will provide our Ready-Set-Go Home Discharge Planning Guide. Working with your loved one’s medical team, we’ll create a detailed transitional care plan following the Guide’s outline.
- Exhaustion. Constant interruptions, unusual routines, and unsettling noises prohibit rest. Seniors can become exhausted, but when they go home, our understanding transitional care professionals are ready to help them get the rest they need.
- Medications. Seniors often forget to take new prescriptions. Our transitional care team is skilled at arranging prescription and medical supplies delivery. Plus, your caregiver will monitor and ensure that prescriptions are taken and on schedule.
- Failure to follow discharge instructions. Professionals from Visiting Angels Lawton can ensure that transitional care instructions are followed. We will even accompany your loved one to their doctor appointments if needed.
- Struggling at home alone. Regaining strength and returning to comforting routines are difficult to do alone. Caregivers from Visiting Angels Lawton provide non-medical transitional care that includes: showering and dressing help, light housekeeping, monitoring fluids and medications, preparing nutritious meals or prescribed diets, and running errands.
Families in Lawton, Cache, Elgin, Geronimo, Marlow, Fletcher, and Duncan, OK have found our transitional care strategy to be effective in preventing hospital readmissions. At Visiting Angels Lawton, our transitional care professionals partner with each other, your medical team, and community resources to make a difference.
- At our Lawton office – Our office professionals handle the details such as arranging deliveries for special equipment, medical supplies, prescriptions, even food and groceries so our at home transitional care can focus on your loved one’s recovery.
- At the hospital – A transitional care professional from our Lawton office will work with your medical team to ensure that your loved one leaves the hospital with a detailed care plan.
- At home – One of our caregivers can provide the non-medical transitional care your loved one needs to avoid a hospital readmission.
Call Visiting Angels Lawton today to learn more about how transitional care can help your loved one.
Serving Lawton and the Surrounding Areas
Visiting Angels LAWTON, OK
6217 West Gore BlvdLawton, OK 73505
Phone: 580-215-1425
Fax: 580-215-1407