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How to Get Started with In-Home Care in New Braunfels

Serving Boerne, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, New Braunfels, San Antonio and Seguin, TX

Visiting Angels NEW BRAUNFELS, TX
1902 E Common St #500
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Phone: 830-625-5414
Fax: 830-625-5395

How to Get Started with In-Home Care in New Braunfels

When independent living becomes difficult for your loved one and they start to need daily help, in-home care offers a comfortable solution. At Visiting Angels® New Braunfels, we know seniors would often rather live at home than undergo a stressful move to an assisted living facility. Our services help older adults avoid such a move. We match seniors in the local area with professional caregivers who are capable, compassionate, and ready to assist in a variety of ways. This approach to care gives seniors the freedom to continue living on their own terms and enjoy their golden years to the fullest extent.

If there is someone dear to your heart who is no longer able to maintain their well-being without external support, you may feel stressed and overwhelmed. Through the guidance offered by our care experts, you can feel more confident about arranging care that is perfectly suited to your loved one's situation. We're here to answer any questions you have and will even visit you and your loved one for an initial care consultation free of charge.

Common In-Home Care Topics

The free care consultations offered by our local home care agency in New Braunfels come with no strings attached. The main goal of this meeting is to give your family the care-related information you're searching for. Additionally, these care consultations provide our care coordinators with the opportunity to understand seniors' needs on a personal level. We see this conversation as the beginning of a lasting and productive relationship in care.

Below are some topics often covered in our care consultations:

  • Physical care requirements. We will ask about the activities your loved one struggles to complete at home. These could include personal care tasks like bathing and grooming or activities in the area of homemaking or housekeeping.
  • Emotional care requirements. When seniors need more social interaction and emotional support in their lives, a dedicated care provider can help them feel less alone.
  • Scheduling and care logistics. From learning about our flexible approach to scheduling to understanding how to adjust your care schedule and provide home access to the caregiver, we'll cover all the essential details.

We've paved a straightforward path to an in-home care solution that works for your family. Just give Visiting Angels New Braunfels a call to get started with the first step, a free consultation with your loved one in New Braunfels, Boerne, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, San Antonio, Seguin, or a nearby town.

Serving Boerne, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, New Braunfels, San Antonio and Seguin, TX

Visiting Angels NEW BRAUNFELS, TX
1902 E Common St #500
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Phone: 830-625-5414
Fax: 830-625-5395

Serving Boerne, Fredericksburg, Kerrville, New Braunfels, San Antonio and Seguin, TX

Visiting Angels NEW BRAUNFELS, TX
1902 E Common St #500
New Braunfels, TX 78130
Phone: 830-625-5414
Fax: 830-625-5395