Trusted & Compassionate Living Assistance in Salem OH
At Visiting Angels Salem OH, Character Counts!
It goes without saying, when you are in need of professional care for a loved one, you want aid from a caregiver who is compassionate and kind. Living assistance providers from Visiting Angels® Salem OH are dedicated caregivers who truly enjoy helping others. We work with elderly and disabled adults throughout Salem, Alliance
The Benefits of Compassionate Care at Home
When you have an elderly or disabled loved one who requires regular assistance, residential nursing care is not your only option. Visiting Angels Salem OH can provide your loved one with living assistance in the comfort of their own home. There are many benefits to receiving care at home vs. in a residential care facility. First and foremost, in-home care allows your loved one to remain in their preferred environment. Your loved one won't be forced to leave their treasured home when they seek assistance from our agency.
Some other benefits of living assistance from Visiting Angels Salem OH include:
- Involvement in the caregiver selection process
- Remain among familiar and comforting surroundings
- Maintain your current routines and schedules
- Flexible care can adjust to your needs & accommodate changes
- You can design your own care schedule based on your preferences
- One-on-one care is focused solely on your needs
- Build a trusting relationship with a compassionate professional
Ongoing Monitoring of Living Assistance in Salem OH
Visiting Angels Salem OH wants to make sure your loved one is happy with our living assistance from start to finish. In order to gauge your satisfaction, our care coordinator will contact your loved one over the phone on a regular basis. We may also visit with your loved one in-home on occasion so we can get a first-hand look at how things are going.
If you have an elderly or disabled family member who is in need of care at home, call Visiting Angels Salem OH today and book a free consultation.
Serving Columbiana & Mahoning Counties and the Surrounding Communities
Visiting Angels SALEM, OH
1285 E. Pidgeon Rd #ASalem, OH 44460
Phone: 330-332-1203