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What Older Adults Need to Know About Consuming Coffee

What Older Adults Need to Know About Consuming Coffee

The chances are that if you’re over the age of 60, you enjoy a hot cup of coffee at least once a day. According to statistics shared by Statista, 68% of adults 60 years and older regularly consumed coffee in 2020. Older adults aged 70 and over-consume the most cups of coffee, averaging 2.18 cups per day.

While many older adults find comfort in their morning ritual of drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, too much caffeine can have detrimental side effects. Before you reach for that third or fourth cup of java, here are a few facts older adults need to know about consuming coffee.

Health Benefits Linked to Coffee

Many older adults are well aware of the energy boost their cup of coffee offers them, especially after a restless night. Not only does coffee enhance alertness, but the caffeine found in coffee boosts cognitive functioning. According to a study published by the Journal of Nutrition, caffeine obtained from coffee improves memory and attention and letter fluency, especially in older adults over the age of 70.

Other health benefits linked to coffee include lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as long as it isn’t loaded with creamer and sugar. It has long been suggested that coffee may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Coffee also seems to be a protective agent against liver and colorectal cancer. Despite popular belief, coffee may even reduce the risk of developing heart disease, especially in women.

In addition to the many health benefits of consuming coffee, it also improves emotional health. Moderate coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of depression. The caffeine in coffee increases the level of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine plays a role in producing pleasant feelings. Thus, a cup of coffee can literally promote happier moods.

Adverse Effects of Coffee

On the other hand, too much coffee can be detrimental to the health of an older adult. Caffeine found in coffee is a stimulant. When too much coffee is consumed, it can cause older adults to feel restless and jittery. It can cause a brief but dramatic spike in blood pressure and can increase an older adult’s average blood pressure over time.

Drinking too much coffee, especially in the late afternoon or evening, can interfere with a good night’s sleep. Caffeine found in coffee can make it difficult for an older adult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the entire night.

In addition to the caffeine in coffee being a stimulant, it is also a diuretic. Although coffee was once associated with dehydration, drinking coffee won’t dehydrate an older adult. It will, however, cause them to need to urinate more frequently. Older adults who struggle with incontinence may notice that their sense of urgency increases as they drink more coffee.

Finally, while the caffeine in coffee increases dopamine in the brain, it also increases cortisol. Cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone. Responsible for driving the fight-or-flight response, cortisol increases heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, respiration, and muscle tension as it prepares the body to react to a stressful situation. Too much caffeine means older adults are recreating stress conditions for their bodies.


Research shows that there are many health benefits linked to coffee, especially in older adults. However, too much coffee does appear to have the opposite effect. The key is to consume coffee in moderation. The FDA recommends healthy adults consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day or four to five cups of coffee. Keep in mind that this is total caffeine consumption. Caffeine can also be found elsewhere, such as in sodas, energy drinks, chocolate, coffee-flavored foods, and even decaffeinated coffee. Stick to enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning and resist any caffeine consumption at least four hours before bedtime. Talk with your doctor if you think your coffee habits negatively affect your overall health, including mental health.

Need help cutting back on your caffeine? Want someone to have a cup of coffee with during the middle of the week? Look no further than Visiting Angels South Elgin. Our reliable and dedicated caregivers are ready to assist you in the comfort of your home. Whether you’re an older adult who lives alone and is looking for a companion caregiver, or you care for an aging loved one and could benefit from having more support, we are here for you. Please contact us today by calling 847-429-0100 to learn more about our comprehensive home care services.

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Visiting Angels SOUTH ELGIN, IL
65 Woodbury St.
South Elgin, IL 60177
Phone: 847-429-0100

Serving Elgin and the surrounding NW IL Suburbs

Visiting Angels SOUTH ELGIN, IL
65 Woodbury St.
South Elgin, IL 60177
Phone: 847-429-0100