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Elderly Care in Evansville: Why Clutter is a Sign it’s Time for a Caregiver

 provider of elderly care in Evansville with elderly patient

It can be challenging for seniors in the Evansville, IN area to look for help from elderly care providers. Some seniors may be afraid to lose their independence by working with a caregiver. Others might be unwilling to admit they are struggling. Often, it’s up to the friends and family of seniors to recognize it’s time for a caregiver. But how can you tell whether your loved one in the local area needs help from an elderly care provider such as Visiting Angels® Evansville?

Your loved one’s cluttered, messy, or dirty home could be giving you information about their health and well-being. Not only can a cluttered home put your loved one at a higher risk of tripping and falling, but clutter in their home could be a sign of deeper challenges they may be facing. Some of these challenges include:

  • Memory Issues. Dementia and Alzheimer’s can lead to confusion, disorientation, and forgetfulness. Your loved one’s home may be cluttered because they keep missing steps in their daily routines or because they often get distracted and confused in the middle of housekeeping tasks.
  • Physical Ailments. Your loved one may be reaching a stage where the physical factors of aging begin to have an effect on their ability to keep up with day-to-day tasks. Arthritis, joint pain, or the weakening of their muscles and skeleton might make it hard for them to vacuum, do dishes, or do laundry.
  • Depression. Over six million seniors in America live with depression. Depression can make it hard for seniors to find the motivation to clean and tidy their home.

How Elderly Care from Visiting Angels Evansville Helps

Elderly care providers from Visiting Angels Evansville can be lifesavers to seniors in the area needing extra care and support. Caregivers can make life easier and safer for seniors by helping with a wide-range of tasks, such as meal preparation and light housekeeping, and by offering supportive companionship.

If your loved one’s messy home is a sign of a specific age-related challenge, many elderly care providers in the Evansville, IN area also offer specialized care programs. At Visiting Angels Evansville, for example, we offer specialized dementia care, personal care, companion care, and more through our Life Care Navigation™ program.

Call Visiting Angels Evansville today to learn more about the elderly care services we offer to seniors in Evansville, Mount Vernon, Boonville, and Princeton IN, Henderson KY, and throughout the surrounding areas. 


Serving Evansville, Newburgh and the Surrounding Areas in Indiana

Visiting Angels EVANSVILLE, IN
701 N Weinbach Ave #810
Evansville, IN 47711
Phone: 812-618-0032
Fax: 812-618-0080

Serving Evansville, Newburgh and the Surrounding Areas in Indiana

Visiting Angels EVANSVILLE, IN
701 N Weinbach Ave #810
Evansville, IN 47711
Phone: 812-618-0032
Fax: 812-618-0080