Senior Home Care for Veterans in Sourtheast Missouri
Helping Elderly Veterans in the Southeast Missouri Area Age in Place comfortably with Personalized Home Care Services.
As veterans age, they can face different challenges than non-veterans, especially when they're coping with injuries or ailments connected to their time in service. The Visiting Angels of Farmington MO office provides high-quality care to local veterans throughout Southeast Missouri including:
- Cape Girardeau County
- Iron County
- Madison County
- Perry County
- Francois County
- Genevieve County
- Northeast Washington County
- & DeSoto, MO
How we help local Veterans in Southeast Missouri
The Visiting Angels of Farmington is a Veterans Care Agreements Provider which means they are able to work with the Department of Veteran Affairs to help eligible veterans and their families receive senior care benefits. Elderly veterans who qualify for veteran benefits can have a qualified caregiver placed in their home for little to no cost to the family. Among other things, your dedicated caregiver could aid with:
- Personal hygiene including bathing, dressing, and grooming
- Meal preparation and feeding
- Mobility assistance
- Transferring and positioning
- Toileting and incontinence care
Get Started with Veteran Home Care Services
If your senior parent or loved one is a veteran but you are not sure if they qualify for VA benefits, be sure to contact our office today.
Serving Iron, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, and Cape Girardeau Counties and Surrounding Areas
1276 W Liberty StFarmington, MO 63640
Phone: 573-664-1722