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Serving Sacramento, Del Paso, North Highlands, Pocket, Greenhaven including West Sacramento and Davis, CA

4635 Freeport Blvd #C
Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: 916-273-9199
HCO #344700027
Dementia Care in Midtown Sacramento

Serving Sacramento, Del Paso, North Highlands, Pocket, Greenhaven including West Sacramento and Davis, CA

4635 Freeport Blvd #C
Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: 916-273-9199
HCO #344700027

Dementia Care in Midtown Sacramento

When dementia strikes, it can cause the busy lives of a senior's family to grind to a halt. Concerns about your loved one's care can quickly overtake concerns about your own health or well-being. But if you let yourself become run-down, who will look after your loved one? Dementia care from Visiting Angels® Midtown Sacramento is the perfect solution to support you both. We provide compassionate care services that help families in Midtown Sacramento, Pocket Area, South Sacramento, Del Paso, North Highlands, and McClellan to manage the symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia. In the kind and capable hands of our Midland Sacramento caregivers, our care can enrich the lives of seniors struggling with memory loss. 

The Dementia Care You Need in Midtown Sacramento

Just like the seniors it afflicts, dementia comes in many forms. Each stage of the disease is different, and requires different skills and strategies to navigate successfully. Using techniques we developed alongside the Alzheimer's Foundation of America, our caregivers have the know-how to manage all kinds of situations, including soothing Alzheimer's-related anxiety and anger. Above all, our caregivers in Midtown Sacramento provide dementia care that is dignified, so you can rest easier knowing that your loved one is in good hands. 

Some of the things your relative's dementia care from Visiting Angels Midtown Sacramento can help include:

  • Planning and preparing nutritious meals
  • Helping them move between their bed to chair 
  • Offering emotional support and companionship
  • Providing medication and appointment reminders
  • Coordinating deliveries for medical supplies
  • Bringing relief and support to family caregivers

Learning More About Dementia Care in Midtown Sacramento

When you're grappling with a loved one's dementia, you don't have the time or energy for much else. Visiting Angels Midtown Sacramento tries to make things simple by offering to help you learn more about our dementia care from the convenience of your own home. It's a simple and free way for you to get all the information you need in order to confidently make decisions about your loved one's care. If you're ready, we can help you to build your loved one's customized dementia plan. There's no pressure, so you can take as long as you like to think about your options. 

To help your loved one live a fuller, happier life with our dementia care, call Visiting Angels Midtown Sacramento and request your in-home consultation today.

Serving Sacramento, Del Paso, North Highlands, Pocket, Greenhaven including West Sacramento and Davis, CA

4635 Freeport Blvd #C
Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: 916-273-9199
HCO #344700027