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Home Care Services in Port Huron

Home Care Services in Port Huron

provider of home care services in Port Huron sitting with elderly patient

It may be difficult to know when home care services are needed for a loved one. Maybe you suspect an aging family member might thrive more easily with professional care and support. Maybe you're worried about broaching the topic. At Visiting Angels® St. Clair, we help families in Port Huron and surrounding communities make these decisions.

We know how overwhelming it can seem. Our team can help you assess your loved one's situation and overall condition, and provide recommendations for any care decisions needed. We're committed to helping seniors thrive at home. 

4 Situations To Consider Home Care Services in Port Huron 

Everyone's situation looks different, making it harder for families to know when in home care services are needed. Here are four common situations where professional care in Port Huron can make all the difference: 

  • A loved one is struggling with dementia. When a family member is dealing with Alzheimer's or dementia, consistency and routine can help them preserve a sense of normalcy. We can calibrate care based on a client's condition, adapting it as necessary, so your loved one can maintain those familiar routines. 
  • An aging parent can't take care of a spouse. If one of your parents is healthier, they may be managing the care needs of the other parent for as long as possible. But sometimes, this can become too much. Professional care can ease their daily tasks, while ensuring both parents can flourish together. 
  • Mobility or other health concerns are involved. Many seniors find themselves dealing with new health and mobility challenges. If your loved one has been recently hospitalized, or if they're at risk of falls or other health concerns, a caregiver can help. We can reduce household fall risks, offer monitoring, and otherwise provide responsive care. 
  • Your loved one needs occasional support. It may be the case that your loved one is thriving on their own for the most part. But maybe they struggle with more intensive tasks, such as shopping for groceries, running errands, or keeping the house tidy. A caregiver can provide occasional assistance, helping them maintain their independence. 

Your Trusted Team For Senior Care 

If you're uncertain about the need for home care services, Visiting Angels St. Clair can discuss your family's options with you. It's our mission to ensure seniors across the region are looked after in: 

Get comprehensive home care services in Port Huron. If you have any questions or concerns, call Visiting Angels St. Clair today.

Serving Port Huron and the Communities of St Clair County, MI

Visiting Angels ST CLAIR, MI
1530 Pine Grove Ave #7
Port Huron, MI 48060
Phone: 810-966-2273
Fax: 810-326-4358