How Transitional Care in Webster Reduces Hospital Readmissions
Ready-Set-Go Home with Transitional Care
Returning home from the hospital isn’t always easy for seniors after a serious injury or illness. During the first few weeks after their discharge, they can be especially vulnerable and at risk of readmission. Transitional care from Visiting Angels® Webster can help. Our Ready-Set-Go Home program equips elderly adults to make a smooth recovery and minimizes the chance of an untimely return visit to the hospital.
Why Is Transitional Care Important?
With nearly 20% of seniors on Medicare being readmitted within the first month of leaving the hospital, transitional care is incredibly important for this age group. After a stay at the hospital, elderly adults may feel weak or experience a decline in their functionality. This can lead them to skip steps that are crucial to maintaining their well-being, such as keeping up with a proper personal care routine, taking medications as prescribed, and eating healthy meals. Without extra help, seniors in the Webster area may not be able to implement their doctors’ advice and often endure further decline that lands them back at the hospital.
How Visiting Angels Webster Helps
Our three-prong approach to transitional care helps prepare seniors for a successful return to life at home. It also gives their concerned family members plenty of resources, including our Ready-Set-Go Home discharge planning guide.
We begin by having a care provider visit the senior at the hospital before their discharge. The caregiver can coordinate with family members and offer suggestions for arranging the right types of care upon the senior’s return home. Having a plan in place is essential to a frictionless recovery, and we’re available to make certain each care recipient is ready for what lies ahead.
Once the senior has been discharged from the hospital, our caregiving team will help them feel comfortable and content as they get back into the groove of daily life at home. Caregivers can offer reliable medication reminders, compassionate companionship, help with bathing and grooming, assistance with preparing meals, and other supportive services.
We also have a team working behind the scenes at our office to assist with transitional care. These staff members utilize innovative tools to identify high-risk cases and facilitate the logistics of caregiving.
Call Visiting Angels Webster today for a free, no-obligation transitional care consultation! We offer care across the Webster area, including Deer Park, Dickinson, El Lago, Friendswood, Houston, Pearland, Kemah, League City, Pasadena, Seabrook, Taylor Lake Village, and neighboring communities.
Serving Southeast Houston and the Bay Area Communities
Visiting Angels WEBSTER, TX
16940 Highway 3Webster, TX 77598
Phone: 832-632-2273