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Dementia Care in Rye

Dementia Care in Rye

Provider of dementia care in Rye hugging elderly patient

How To Help When They Say They Want To Go Home

For those taking care of a loved one with dementia, the phrase 'I want to go home,' is heard quite often. That's because dementia-sufferers experience declining verbal communication skills, and utter this phrase as they are attempting to communicate something else. This is one of many difficult situations that this disorder presents, which is why it's so vital to have a support plan. At Visiting Angels® White Plains, our dementia care is a terrific solution for Rye area families. 

In addition to our helpful support, we would also like to offer some advice about dealing with these 'I want to go home,' moments. First of all, it's important to remain calm and refrain from engaging in any sort of logical argument. Explaining they are already in their home will only serve to make things worse. You should instead focus on listening to them and making them feel at ease. 

You can redirect their attention by playing some music or distracting them with a basic chore. The point is to help them relax and feel safe while you try to determine what they are attempting to communicate. 

Our Professional Dementia Care in Rye

We make it our mission to help local seniors retain their home lives for as long as possible. For those with dementia, this is even more important. An ongoing home life has many great advantages over life in an assisted care facility. They get to enjoy peace, privacy, and all the perks of having their own home. Plus, they get to remain in a familiar setting, which can be crucial when battling a disorder that affects the memory. 

Our dementia care at Visiting Angels White Plains is aimed at providing kind, helpful assistance from a trained professional within the comfort of their own home in the Rye area. We customize our support and offer flexible scheduling, so you can get the help you need to create a wonderful home environment for your loved one. We provide:

  • Flexible support around the home
  • Excellent companionship from a trusted friend
  • A respite for family care providers
  • Memory help, accident prevention, mobility aid, and more!

Dementia Care To Help The Whole Family

With our loving help, you can give your relative kind, consistent care, even while you're away. It's a great solution to reduce stress and maximize comfort for everyone involved. Our service region includes:

  • Rye
  • Westchester County NY
  • White Plains
  • Bronxville
  • Yonkers
  • Tarrytown
  • And nearby areas

To get started with a care consultation and learn more about our dementia care in the Rye area, call Visiting Angels White Plains today at (914) 696-4200

Serving Westchester County

Visiting Angels WHITE PLAINS, NY
4 W Red Oak Ln #112
White Plains, NY 10604
Phone: 914-696-4200
Fax: 914-696-4201