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In-Home Respite Care Services in Hendersonville, NC

In-Home Respite Care Services in Hendersonville, NC

Family caregivers fulfill a vital role in the caregiving ecosystem. Their selfless commitment to assisting loved ones in need ensures that care recipients can continue to thrive in their decision to age in place, enjoying the independence, comfort, and security that come with living out their golden years at home. 

At Visiting Angels in Hendersonville, North Carolina, we admire the work that family members put toward senior care, and we're proud to balance their efforts with our own support. We've developed our respite care service with family caregivers in mind so they can enjoy well-deserved and much-needed rest while maintaining a system of care that safeguards the seniors in their lives. With our help, you can enjoy a healthy balance between your duties as a family caregiver and your personal life, guaranteed that your devotion doesn't go unrecognized.

What is Respite Care?

Respite care is an in-home care service that provides periods of rest for family caregivers who willingly devote their time and energy to delivering essential assistance with daily activities to family members requiring care. Often, the loved one receiving care has an illness, physical impairment, or other set of circumstances that present challenges to independent living. They require ongoing support and sometimes around-the-clock care, so family caregiving is a responsibility that usually involves extensive physical, mental, and emotional resources.

If you're a family caregiver, you need time to yourself as well — to run errands, socialize, fulfill personal obligations, or just rest. Respite caregivers come in to provide that time. They take over caregiving duties for as long as required to allow you to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. That way, when you return to your caregiving role, you do so with restored energy and a renewed commitment that, in turn, improves the care your loved one receives.

Benefits of Respite Care for Caregivers and Loved Ones

Respite care provides a range of benefits to both family caregivers and the loved ones they support. Your family may enjoy some notable advantages by enlisting a respite care service.


The nature of the service itself is one of its chief upsides. Family caregivers can be so committed to their responsibilities that they neglect self-care. In many cases, they feel that taking time for themselves is selfish because their loved one needs their attention. Their commitment can lead to exhaustion, stress, and even burnout, which can diminish their ability to provide high-quality care. Fortunately, with a respite caregiver, you can enjoy guilt-free periods of relaxation, knowing that your time off has accounted for your loved one's well-being.

Peace of Mind

A common element that drives many family caregivers in their role is their intimate familiarity with their loved one's needs. It's also one of the factors that cause family caregivers to feel reluctant about passing on their duties to others. However, a capable respite caregiver makes a point of understanding exactly what a client requires to stay healthy and satisfied, so you can rest assured knowing your loved one is well provided for.


Respite care allows both seniors and their family members to enjoy an essential human need: socialization. For seniors receiving care, the introduction of a care professional into their home presents an opportunity to engage with a new person. The respite caregiver may also incorporate further occasions for socialization via companion care or social care activities, which allow seniors to safely navigate public and digital spaces. For you, the time off can be spent connecting with friends and acquaintances, which can promote healthy stability between your care duties and personal interests.

Mental Health

Any uninterrupted commitment to an endeavor can be stressful. That's why, though a family caregiver fulfills a noble role, they must occasionally step away from their duties to address their mental health. Respite can remind you of the pleasures you find in your interests and pursuits. It can also restore the sense of purpose you had when you took on your caregiving role.

Personal Fulfillment

It's not uncommon for family caregivers to identify strongly with their role. This may be helpful in terms of providing the necessary support to their loved one, but it can also cause the caregiver to lose touch with their sense of self. Just as a professional must disconnect their work self from their private self, maintaining your identity as someone other than a family caregiver can help you lead a fulfilling life.

Improved Care Outcomes

Visiting Angels caregivers have numerous years of training and experience and are happy to share their knowledge. Likewise, the families we serve share their own knowledge about their loved ones with us, and the combined pool of understanding allows all of us to establish a more effective care environment for the client.

Respite Care Services Offered by Visiting Angels

Visiting Angels respite care delivers an array of personal in-home care services to your loved one, including:

  • Mobility assistance. 
  • Support with daily routines and activities.
  • Bathing, dressing, grooming, and toileting.
  • Running errands.
  • Grocery shopping.
  • Planning and preparing meals. 
  • Light housekeeping, including cleaning and laundry.
  • Engaging activities, both in and outside the home.
  • Joyful companionship and conversation.
  • Medication reminders. 

How Visiting Angels Tailors Respite Care to Your Needs

The Visiting Angels home care philosophy is that no two clients are exactly the same, so each client should have a care plan that's personalized to their needs. For that reason, we begin every client relationship with a free phone consultation so we may familiarize ourselves with your loved one's requirements and preferences. We build the care plan around the consultation and invite family input to fine-tune it. Even if it's just for a few hours every week, our team is happy to serve your family.

Throughout our relationship, the care plan remains open to customization to account for evolving care needs. Just let us know whether you'd like to add services, remove them, or revise our visiting schedule, and we'll be happy to make the necessary adjustments.

Arrange Respite Care for Your Loved Ones in Hendersonville, North Carolina

Establishing respite care is an important decision that promotes improved well-being for both family caregivers and the loved ones they support. Visiting Angels in Hendersonville strives to make the arrangement as easy as possible by creating a fully individualized plan carried out by highly trained and compassionate care professionals. We encourage you to get in touch with us online or by calling/texting 828-665-3944. Whether you're looking for a free consultation or answers to your questions, we're happy to be there for you.

Serving Asheville, Hendersonville, Black Mountain, Weaverville, Waynesville, and the Surrounding Areas

Visiting Angels ASHEVILLE, NC
24 Sardis Rd #H-I
Asheville, NC 28806
Phone: 828-665-3944
Fax: 866-305-3446