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The Dangers Of Falls And How To Stay Safe

The Dangers Of Falls And How To Stay Safe

Doctors treat nearly 3 million seniors each year for fall-related injuries. Those 3 million seniors don’t include individuals who fall and don’t receive treatment or report their incident, making falls one of the most high-risk concerns for seniors. However, even with such high statistics, falling doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging. You can take steps to reduce your fall risk and prevent fall-related injuries. 

Complications Associated With Falls

Sometimes, a fall may hurt nothing but your pride, but some can lead to serious injuries in seniors. 

  • Concussion: A concussion is a traumatic brain injury from physical impact to the head. You can get a concussion without losing consciousness. Concussions often cause temporary cognitive symptoms like headache, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, and nausea.
  • Bruising: A bruise comes from physical trauma on the body when blood vessels under the skin rupture or tear. Bruising is often harmless. However, it may be a sign of internal bleeding in falls, and you should have a doctor examine it. 
  • Broken bones: Trauma on the bone can cause breaks or fractures. Bone breaks need resetting by a medical professional. Hips, wrists, arms, and ankles are commonly broken bones in falls. 
  • Fear: Falling may cause emotional challenges, such as fear. Seniors who fall may feel anxious to move or do things on their own for fear of falling, especially if they have sustained a serious injury. 

Reducing Your Fall Risks

While statistically, it may feel like falling is inevitable, it doesn’t have to be part of your aging journey. You can reduce your fall risk by taking the proper precautions. 

  • Wear sturdy shoes. Whether it’s your house shoes or outdoor footwear, make sure your shoes are sturdy. You want footwear with a secure back (no slip-ons) that fits properly to reduce tripping or slipping. 
  • Keep hallways and entryways clear of clutter. Make sure any walkways in your home are clear of clutter. 
  • Use walking assistance. It’s common to notice mobility changes as you age, and using walking assistance is a great way to stay safe. Walking assistance can include walkers and canes; you should use them even when going short distances. 
  • Keep your home well-lit. Darkness will only add to your risk of falling. Ensure your home has good overhead lighting that brightens the whole room. You should also consider motion-sensor night lights for hallways and bathrooms when navigating your home at night.

What To Do If You Fall

No one plans on falling, but it can happen, even if you take the proper precautions. If you fall, consider the following to keep yourself safe and find help. 

  • Stay calm. Falling can be scary and may cause stress or panic. When you fall, stay calm by focusing on your breath and giving yourself a few minutes to overcome the shock of what happened. 
  • Assess your body before moving. You may have an initial instinct to jump up and “walk it off,” but moving too quickly can worsen injuries. Before getting up, take a quick body scan to see if you feel pain or discomfort. 
  • Slowly find your way to a phone to call 911. You want to move slowly after a fall, even if you physically feel okay. If you can, sit up and give yourself a few minutes to adjust before standing. If you can’t stand, try to navigate your way to a phone by crawling or scooting, and call 911. 
  • See a doctor as soon as possible. While calling 911 after a fall is best practice, it may not be your immediate response, especially if you can move and stand without pain. However, even if you feel okay, you should see a doctor immediately. Some injuries, such as concussions, may not show immediate symptoms but can be serious if not treated by a medical professional. 

Fall Prevention With Visiting Angels

At Visiting Angels, we want to reduce the risk of falls and fall-related injuries so they’re no longer among seniors' most concerning health concerns. One of the ways we’re reaching that goal is through our fall prevention program. Through this program, caregivers help identify and eliminate fall risks in clients’ homes, such as crowded hallways or poorly lit rooms. Caregivers also provide mobility assistance and can help with household tasks, reducing the risk of falls at home.

If you’re a senior living in Gadsden, Alabama, or the surrounding communities, contact our Gadsden office to learn more about our fall prevention and other at-home care services.

Serving Blount, Marshall, Etowah Counties and the surrounding areas

Visiting Angels GADSDEN, AL
815 Riverbend Dr #A
Gadsden, AL 35901
Phone: 256-507-0083

Serving Blount, Marshall, Etowah Counties and the surrounding areas

Visiting Angels GADSDEN, AL
815 Riverbend Dr #A
Gadsden, AL 35901
Phone: 256-507-0083