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Serving Colorado Springs Metro Area

3720 Sinton Rd #202
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-282-0180
Fax: 719-596-4466
In Home Care In Colorado Springs, CO

Serving Colorado Springs Metro Area

3720 Sinton Rd #202
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-282-0180
Fax: 719-596-4466

In Home Care In Colorado Springs, CO

fall prevention

The fear of falling is common among seniors. Visiting Angels Colorado Springs In Home Care provides a fall prevention program that will allow seniors to live fear-free.

How You Can Benefit from Visiting Angels Colorado Springs Fall Prevention Program

People who are older tend to have a higher risk of falling. Aside from causing injury, falls can also result in a person’s loss of independence as it limits their ability of movement. As a result, people who suffer from such accidents also suffer from emotional distress thus affecting their quality of life. For instance, the fear of falling prevents the elderly from leaving their house or declining family or social events. As a result, there are many elderly people who suffer from sadness, depression, and anxiety. Visiting Angels Colorado Springs can help seniors dodge these issues with our in home care fall prevention services.

Statistics of Falls

One in three adults suffers from a fall every year where one in five sustain serious injuries including fracture, concussion, and a broken hip to name a few. Moreover, people who have a history of fall in the past are likely to experience it again in the future. According to statistics, there are about 800,000 older adults in America who have been hospitalized due to falls and recovery usually involves staying in long-term care facilities for rehabilitation.

Causes of Falls

There are so many reasons why elderly people suffer from a fall and certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of people of falling. The main reason why fall is so common among the elderly is that they have poor physical conditions. Other risk factors also include medical problems and inadequate supportive structures at home or in the environment.

Specifically, causes of falls include arthritis, osteoporosis, poor eyesight, dehydration, and the lack of grab bars, especially in the bathroom.

If you have an elderly loved one who has suffered from injuries due to fall, it is important that you identify all the risk factors immediately and design a plan on how they can be prevented. Visiting Angels Colorado Springs In Home Care can provide fall proof services for your loved one's home. We will install proper structures in key areas in your home will definitely make a difference in the lives of your elderly loved ones.

Prevention of falls and injuries related to it continues to be a challenge not only for the elderly but for everyone – family, caregivers, and service providers. It is our goal at Visiting Angels Colorado Spring to educate everyone on in home care fall prevention to ensure a better quality of life for the elderly.

Contact us to learn more about fall prevention and to schedule a free in home assessment.

Get all the information you need to help someone you love.

You can download our FREE Fall Prevention brochure by clicking here.

Serving Colorado Springs Metro Area

3720 Sinton Rd #202
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-282-0180
Fax: 719-596-4466