VISITING ANGELS EUREKA, CA 707-442-8001 707-725-3611 707-825-8008
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Serving Eureka, CA Area

Visiting Angels EUREKA, CA
1112 5th St
Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: 707-442-8001 & 707-725-3611 & 707-825-8008
HCO #124700002
Visiting Angels Reviews for Eureka, CA

Serving Eureka, CA Area

Visiting Angels EUREKA, CA
1112 5th St
Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: 707-442-8001 & 707-725-3611 & 707-825-8008
HCO #124700002

Visiting Angels Reviews for Eureka, CA



We really enjoy having Nancy as our visiting angel. She is kind, considerate and very competent.

We enjoy her as a loving person and friend as well as a dependable and astute care giver!

We feel so lucky that she was our first and only Visiting Angel.   -Ginnee S.

Peggy is always cheerful and spends time visiting with Neil, which he very much enjoys and looks forward to. She also does a lot of work, like any laundry that needs to be done, she always washes the dishes, puts them away, cleans the bathroom, sweeps, mops, and prepares diner. She leaves everything neat and tidy. She not only helps Neil, my husband who’s the client, but also me by doing all those chores. Ps she genuinely cares about us and all her clients – you can tell.   -Gael D.

Extremely helpful, experienced, and has good suggestions, helps me with cleaning and transportation. Good personality, willing to do any task. Good sense of humor. She has been with me for a long time.              -Fred M.

Just wanted to take a moment and recognize two outstanding care givers Jessie and Suzie. They put their heart and soul into providing exceptional care for my mother and it was truly inspirational to see two individuals provide world class care for my mother.  -Kevin P.

Joann has become a part of the family. I truly believe she cares for me as she would her own mother. Joann goes to all my doctor’s appointments with me and makes sure I follow all my doctor’s orders. I never have to worry about anything because Joann is a truly caring person.  -Joyce S.

Recently mom had an infection and Sheila arranged to get her to the doctor and obtain medicine to prevent a potentially life threatening condition. Our caregiver is the best! Thank you Visiting Angels.  -Jon S.

My husband Bill was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Although his mind is still fairly good he is very weak – I need help when I am not here – to look after his needs – i.e. - meds, eating, dressing, and just staying safe.- Our angel Emily started coming and is a WONDERFUL young lady, Wise beyond her years and so helpful. Every night before going to bed bill asks “will Emily be here tomorrow?”   - Linda S.

Sandra makes our days begin smoothly. she goes above and beyond getting jean primed and primped for the day and then takes care of dishes and laundry that need cleaning, makes the beds and sees that jean takes her meds and gets her breakfast.

Sandra has become our friend indeed and a part of our family.  -Joe R.

I’ve worked for Visiting Angels for six years. The scheduling staff has been very accommodating to schedule me when it was beneficial for both of our schedules; they communicate the needs of new and on-going clients and are concerned about the welfare of the client and employee. I know the owner is a compassionate person – we have annual Company (paid) dinners, wages are comparable in the industry, and (qualified) office staff have been known to cover a caregiver’s shift if there is an unforeseen emergency! I feel appreciated, and I appreciate Visiting Angels! --- Bev P, Fortuna

Thank you so much for the care that you have given to my family for the last three years. Most especially your caregiver who has been with us from the start. The care and compassion that she gives is outstanding. We couldn’t have done it without her. We will highly recommend you to others. --- Syd and Deborah LePine

The Visiting Angels have been taking care of my 90 year-old grandmother since she suffered a bad fall in October 2008. Granny had been living with us fairly independently until she was hospitalized for a fall. She was discharged from the hospital under the Hospice program, and we thought she would pass away shortly after coming home.

I called the Angels in a panic, not knowing how to look after my now-bedridden and possibly dying grandmother, and they rushed in that very day and gave Granny the care and attention she needed. Their caregivers really saved the day, caring for and sitting with Granny while we were at work during the day.

They even trained us in bed care so we could keep Granny clean and comfortable while she convalesced. There have been several occasions when Care Team Managers have raced to our house in the middle of the night when they got a call from Lifeline that Granny needed assistance.

One day I was grocery shopping and came home to find my grandmother sitting on the floor, and two Visiting Angels employees sitting with her, talking to her and keeping her comfortable. It turns out she had tried to get out of bed on her own and had fallen and pressed her LifeLine button.

When LifeLine couldn't reach me (I don't have a cell phone), the called the Angels, and my Granny's favorite caregiver and Care Team Manager rushed over to our house to make sure she was OK and to sit with her until I returned.

You can only imagine my relief when I found that Granny had not been alone and frightened all this time, she instead had a nice visit with her favorite Angels. I truly believe that the Angels have saved my Granny's life.

We expected her to pass away shortly after she came home, but with the care and attention of the Angels, she rallied. The quality of her life now is far better than it had been for the past several years. She loves her Angels, they take wonderful care of her, and are great companions who give her the one-on-one personal attention that so many of our elderly never receive.

There are Angels among us, I know first-hand. --- Megan C, Eureka, CA

I want you to know how much I appreciate having Susan as a caregiver.

Susan has taken on the overall responsibility for running the household. She not only does the household chores like cleaning, she also notices when it is time to address these chores. She does personal laundry as well as towels and linens as soon as there is enough for full loads of wash. She needs no direction from me. She quickly learned my preferences and does things the way I like them done. She takes good care of my cat and the cat loves her attention.

Susan keeps track of the things I need to do. Susan makes notes about my appointments and arranges her other work around them. She reminds me of what I need to bring to appointments such as medications. She notices things that need my personal efforts and brings them to my attention. She offers to do things that she thinks I may want to delegate.

Susan supports my healthcare needs. She notes the instructions of my healthcare providers and suggests ways of helping me follow their advice. She prepares the grocery shopping lists and suggests healthy foods. She prepares food that is tasty and visually appealing. When I am in hospital, she brings me what I need and takes care of the house and the cat while I am away. When I am ill, she assists with personal care as needed. She also takes care of the cat’s medications and grooming needs.

Susan provides transportation for errands and my many healthcare appointments. She gets me to appointments on time. She plans so that I have extra time when I am unwell and slow to move. She handles whatever assistive devices I need and encourages me to use what I need to stay safe.

Susan’s assistance makes it possible for me to use my limited energy for things I enjoy. Because of Susan’s help, I have been able to spend some of my time sewing and doing other things that I enjoy. Without her sense of responsibility and self-direction, my energy would be expended on supervising and instructing my caregivers.

Susan maintains an awareness of my need to be independent in my own home. She takes responsibility without taking over. She makes suggestions and offers alternatives so that I can decide what I want. She is respectful of my property.

Susan supports me emotionally and socially. She listens to me (and I talk a lot!). She is understanding about my grief and frustrations. She is appropriate with my family, friends and visitors – hospitable without being overly familiar. And, she is just plain fun; I enjoy spending time with her.

With Susan as my primary caregiver and with the services of others from Visiting Angels, I am able to enjoy quality of life in spite of many challenges. Thank you. --- Margo J, Eureka, CA

Serving Eureka, CA Area

Visiting Angels EUREKA, CA
1112 5th St
Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: 707-442-8001 & 707-725-3611 & 707-825-8008
HCO #124700002