Visiting Angels Reviews Metro East IL
We can’t thank you enough for your time and attention that you gave to us and our dad.
The unique character that he was, we were unsure of how things or if things would work, fully trusting you, but not sure of our dad’s reaction, and especially cooperation, to your staff. We were so at ease when the personalities “clicked” and the staff worked tirelessly to make sure dad was comfortable and happy his final days.
Thank you so much.
The P Family
Thank you for taking such great care of Dad. You made his journey so much more comfortable.
The Family of Mr. T
Thank you for being an important part in enabling us to keep Mon and Dad with us over the last six years.
Mary K
Thank you for your excellent care of Dad these last few months. We know that he enjoyed your visits and your presence gave him comfort.
The T FamilyVisiting Angels in Metro East, IL provides senior care services in Belleville, Fairview Heights, O’Fallon, Freeburg, Smithton, Collinsville, Columbia, Waterloo and Valmeyer. IL.
Call today for your FREE In-Home assessment 618.257.2200
Serving Communities in St. Clair, Madison, Monroe and Randolph Counties IL
Visiting Angels BELLEVILLE, IL
347 Covington Drive #AWaterloo, IL 62298
Phone: 618-257-2200
Fax: 618-257-2205