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Frequent Causes of Senior Appetite Loss and Strategies for Assistance

Frequent Causes of Senior Appetite Loss and Strategies for Assistance

As our loved ones age, chances in health and lifestyle can sometimes lead to a decline in their appetites. Although it’s normal not to feel hungry at times, frequent loss of appetite can negatively impact a senior’s overall health and well-being. Families must remain diligent regarding their aging loved one’s diet and nutritional intake and step in to assist when needed. 

March is National Nutrition Month, making it the perfect time for families with elderly loved ones to educate themselves about appetite loss in seniors. Visiting Angels Oshkosh is here to support seniors and their families. Below are four frequent causes of senior appetite loss we’ve seen firsthand and effective strategies families can implement. 

Dental Problems

A common cause of senior appetite loss is dental problems, such as periodontal disease or ill-fitting dentures. Issues with teeth and gums can make it very challenging for seniors to chew certain foods. Families should encourage their aging loved ones to schedule regular dental check-ups to address issues or prevent them from progressing. Dentists can also recommend other solutions, such as dental implants or dentures. Local dental practices, such as Oshkosh Complete Dentistry, offer specialized care and can offer assistance with denture adjustments. 

Memory Loss 

Another common cause of senior appetite loss is cognitive impairment. Seniors with memory loss may forget to eat, or they may find meal planning and preparation overwhelming. There are a few ways families can assist such an aging loved one with nutrition. In the earlier stages, families can create a simplified menu for their aging loved one and display the menu in the kitchen. You may even want to prepare meals your loved one can reheat throughout the week and clearly label them. In moderate stages, families can enlist the help of friends and family to create a meal train, where healthy meals are regularly dropped off. Winnebago County lists local meal delivery services available to seniors in the area.

Medication Side Effects

Next to dental problems and memory loss, medication side effects can also cause seniors to lose their appetites. Many medications seniors take often have side effects that negatively impact appetite. When your aging loved one begins a new medication, be sure to observe for changes in appetite and notify their doctor immediately. Their doctor can review their medications and make adjustments or explore alternative options. All seniors should have their medications reviewed regularly. Places like Ascension and other Oshkosh clinics conduct regular medication reviews, ensuring optimal health while minimizing side effects.

Decreased Taste Sensitivity

Finally, a common cause of appetite loss in seniors is decreased taste sensitivity. As we age, our taste buds become less sensitive, affecting the overall appeal of food. Help your aging loved one find food appealing again by inviting them over to dinner. Social interaction can help stimulate the appetite and can also make food appear more appealing. Encourage your loved one to check out a congregate meal program for seniors in Winnebago County. Additionally, families can encourage their loved ones to incorporate flavors such as herbs and spices into meals. Explore a local farmer’s market, such as the Oshkosh Farmers Market, for fresh and enticing produce. 

If you’re concerned about an aging loved one’s loss of appetite, know that you are not alone. Visiting Angels Oshkosh is here to help. Many of our clients choose to receive assistance with meal planning and preparation. Our compassionate caregivers can help your loved one plan appetizing meals that include essential nutrients. They can escort your loved one to the grocery store or do the shopping for them. At home, they can help your loved one prepare meals and even enjoy a meal with them to spur their appetite. To learn more about our home care services that are provided in your own home, please contact us today by calling 920-312-7000. 

Serving Winnebago County

Visiting Angels OSHKOSH, WI
300 S Koeller St Suite G
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: 920-312-7000
Fax: 920-328-0324

Serving Winnebago County

Visiting Angels OSHKOSH, WI
300 S Koeller St Suite G
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: 920-312-7000
Fax: 920-328-0324