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Visiting Angels’ Home Care Specialists Help Reduce Caregiver Stress in Greater Plano, TX

For families of all shapes and sizes, helping to care for aging loved ones is part of daily life. Seniors from all walks of life are choosing to age in place, maintaining connections to their homes, neighborhoods, and communities. Those support structures are so important for seniors and help to stave off senior isolation and its negative health impacts. All those who support your aging loved one may feel caregiver stress, a type of stress-related to being responsible for the well-being of others.

What Is Caregiver Stress and How Can Visiting Angels of Plano’s Home Care Specialists Help?

Visiting Angels of Plano’s home care specialists have supported hundreds of family members through their family’s concerns and their loved one’s health needs. Caring for an aging loved one is often a job that family members stumble into—once a loved one needs help, in many families the first pair of hands that is available is who becomes the reliable resource. For all family members, managing the psychological impact of caregiver stress is important to everyone’s well-being.

Negative Impacts of Caregiver Stress

The negative impacts of caregiver stress can include feelings of guilt, anxiety, and exhaustion, as well as physical exhaustion, lost sleep, and other physical conditions being made worse by the stress. Financial stress is also common, as well as professional impacts due to needing to miss work or manage schedules with your workplace. Some individuals may feel the physical manifestations of chronic stress such as a higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

Reducing Caregiver Stress

You might have heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” one of the ways that many people talk about caregiver stress. Self-care is necessary for family caregivers to make sure that family members stay healthy just like your aging loved one needs to. Self-care looks different for everyone: maybe your self-care includes a daily meditation time, or a conversation with a trusted friend, or taking time to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee.

In Home Care Is the Solution

At Visiting Angels of Plano, our home care specialists are here to help your family navigate the stressors of caring for senior loved ones. We can help you navigate transportation needs, mobility concerns, daily schedules for medications, meals, exercise, and maintaining a safe home environment. Our home care specialists offer regular a wide range of at home senior care services like respite care, for time-limited plans that gives family caregivers the opportunity to take a break.

If you are concerned about the well-being of a loved one who lives alone, Visiting Angels of Plano can help. Call our local agency today at 972-846-8417 to learn more about how our home care specialists are equipped to help in Plano, Murphy, Parker, and the surrounding area.

Serving Plano, Murphy, Parker, TX, and the Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels PLANO, TX
2301 Ohio Dr #135
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 972-665-9946
Fax: 972-665-9949

Serving Plano, Murphy, Parker, TX, and the Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels PLANO, TX
2301 Ohio Dr #135
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 972-665-9946
Fax: 972-665-9949