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How Eldercare Services Can Help Seniors with Visual Impairments

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, sight impairment increases with age, and as a result, older people with sight impairment are more likely to fall. Falling is one of the most common ways that elderly people are injured later in life, so it’s extremely important to learn how eldercare services can help those with visual impairments lead a safe life. Older people have more trouble recovering from falls, making this an even more important topic to understand. Here are a few ways that eldercare services are able to help.

Home adaptations

Eldercare services focus a lot on handling hazards around the house to make life easier for those with visual impairments. Some of these adaptations include removing objects that can lead to trips and controlling glare with blinds or curtains. By reducing risks around the house, we aim to make houses as safe as possible and reduce the chance that someone will take a fall and get hurt.

Keeping a close eye on the elderly

One way to get a better understanding of someone’s visual impairments is to focus on their daily activities. If they are often bumping into walls, squinting when trying to focus and missing objects when reaching for them, this could be a sign that their visual impairments are more serious than previously thought. If this happens, it is critical that you set them up for success by getting them the help that they need. 

When it comes to visual impairment and the risks involved, home care service professionals need to be extra careful. In addition to addressing the underlying causes for visual impairment, it is crucial to adapt the home of whoever is visually impaired in order to reduce the risk of falls. Keeping a close eye on those who have asked you to be their caregiver is extremely important. They might not even know that they are visually impaired, but if you notice something is off about their behavior, you might be able to help them avoid any falls or injuries.

Serving Manchester, Derry, Concord, Auburn NH and the Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels AUBURN, NH
14 Hookset Rd,
Auburn, NH 03032
Phone: 603-483-8999

Serving Manchester, Derry, Concord, Auburn NH and the Surrounding Area

Visiting Angels AUBURN, NH
14 Hookset Rd,
Auburn, NH 03032
Phone: 603-483-8999