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Private Pay Home Care Options in San Diego, CA

Serving Mission Valley, Point Loma, Kensington, the College Area and surrounding neighborhoods in Downtown, Uptown and Peninsula communities of San Diego, including Coronado

2615 Camino Del Rio S. #308
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-488-6265
Fax: 619-488-6311

Private Pay Home Care Options in San Diego, CA

More and more people in San Diego, Coronado and surrounding California communities are choosing in-home senior care over assisted living or nursing homes. Aging adults often want to stay in their homes; a professional home care agency can make that possible. But how can families afford the care their loved one needs?

Visiting Angels San Diego offers private pay options for personal home care services in the San Diego Metro Area. Clients typically pay for services out-of-pocket. However, your loved one may qualify for benefits that can assist with the cost of professional care at home.

Looking into professional in-home senior care? Call Visiting Angels San Diego at 619-488-6265 today!

What Payment Options Does Visiting Angels Accept in San Diego, CA?

As a private pay home care agency, Visiting Angels San Diego cannot accept private health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid to cover the costs of our in-home senior care services. However, we do accept a variety of payment options that can make our services more affordable for families in the San Diego Metro area.

Veterans Benefits

Visiting Angels San Diego is part of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network. This means elderly veterans in the San Diego Metro area who receive a referral to use our home care services can have the cost of their care covered by the VA. Our team greatly appreciates our veterans' dedication to protecting our country, so we want to ensure they can receive the support they need to remain at home as they age without having to worry about costs.

In order to be eligible for subsidized home care from the VA Community Care Network, your senior loved one will need to reach out to their primary care physician or social worker through the VA and request a Community Care Network Home Evaluation. If they determine your loved one is eligible for professional in-home senior care, they will assign a VA case manager to perform a Care Needs Evaluation. From there, your loved one can select Visiting Angels San Diego as their home care provider.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Most traditional health and medical insurance plans don't cover long-term care services. However, a specific insurance policy called long-term care insurance can cover your loved one's care expenses should they need long-term care in the future.

The cost and benefits of this policy will vary. If someone already needs care, they won't qualify for long-term care insurance.

Typically, adults in their 40s and 50s take out this policy to start saving for future care needs. Check with your loved one and their insurance broker to see if they have this type of policy. Long-term care insurance can cover various in-home senior care services from Visiting Angels San Diego.

Privately, Out of Pocket

Seniors in the San Diego Metro area without Veterans benefits or long-term care insurance can finance home care services out of pocket. Families can pay using their income, savings or by sharing expenses. It's important to know that there are options available to pay for our professional senior care services.

If you're interested in getting started with in-home care from Visiting Angels San Diego, we can start with scheduling a free in-home consultation. During this consultation, we discuss our services, assess the needs of your loved one and develop a personalized care plan that will help your loved one remain safe and comfortable as they age in place. Together, we can create a schedule of caregiver visits that works with your loved one's regular routine. We will also review your family's cost of care and potential financial resources. You can then decide how you want to proceed.

At Visiting Angels San Diego, we are committed to offering home care services for seniors in the San Diego Metro area that are not only high-quality, but affordable, as well. By personalizing your loved one's care plan, we can help ensure that you'll only pay for the services your loved one actually needs and cut out any unnecessary expenses.

Schedule a FREE In-Home Consultation

If you have any questions about our services or financing options, please get in touch with our San Diego office today.

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Serving Mission Valley, Point Loma, Kensington, the College Area and surrounding neighborhoods in Downtown, Uptown and Peninsula communities of San Diego, including Coronado

2615 Camino Del Rio S. #308
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-488-6265
Fax: 619-488-6311

Serving Mission Valley, Point Loma, Kensington, the College Area and surrounding neighborhoods in Downtown, Uptown and Peninsula communities of San Diego, including Coronado

2615 Camino Del Rio S. #308
San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-488-6265
Fax: 619-488-6311