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Visiting Angels in Alameda, CA

Get Started with Home Care

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The Visiting Angels Approach

Our comprehensive home care is customized for seniors based on their individual needs and preferences. Our dedicated and reliable caregivers have helped thousands of older adults live happily and safely in the comforts of home while providing their families with peace of mind. If you have a loved one who needs personalized in-home care, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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Caregiver Jobs

Are you interested in a meaningful career that focuses on providing compassionate care for older adults and their families? If so, Visiting Angels is offering rewarding caregiver jobs — on a full-time and part-time basis — that will help you make a positive difference in your community. If you're passionate about helping seniors maintain their independence at home, you may have what it takes to become a Visiting Angel.

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Articles & Advice

New Year's Resolutions for Family Caregivers

If you're creating a list of resolutions for the new year, set some goals to help you in caring for a loved one. These resolutions can be beneficial in helping family caregivers focus on the positive aspects of care and managing their well-being and energy levels so they can avoid exhausting themselves.

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Recognizing the Signs of Caregiver Burnout & Stress

Are you caring for a senior loved one? If so, it's important to manage your physical and emotional well-being. Family caregivers are prone to feelings of stress and burnout. If you start feeling too exhausted because of your caregiving responsibilities, it can negatively affect your ability to care for your loved one. Here are some ways family caregivers in Alameda can recognize and manage caregiver burnout.

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How to Keep Senior Loved Ones Safe & Healthy During Flu Season

By taking the proper precautions to stay healthy and protected throughout peak sickness season, seniors can stay healthy and safe for themselves and their loved ones.

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Andrew Slakey


2447 Santa Clara Ave #300B
Alameda, CA 94501

Contact Us
Visiting Angels Dove
  • Complimentary In-Home Consultation

    Complimentary In-Home Consultation

    Call us today to schedule a care assessment and conversation with a Visiting Angels consultant.

    Learn more
  • Careers at Visiting Angels

    Careers at Visiting Angels

    Looking to make a difference in people’s lives? At Visiting Angels you can do that every day.


Visiting Angels of Alameda | Senior Care at Home

Visiting Angels is a values-based senior care agency. We work to ensure that your loved one can live independently and safely in the comfort of their own home. Our agency is proud to provide loving care and companionship to the elderly and disabled in our community.

Visiting Angels is committed to the highest standards of in home care. By recognizing the talents of the Angels we hire, we provide the best senior care in the Alameda area.

When to Consider At Home Senior Care

Aging often makes seniors more dependent. This is a common part of getting older, but there are ways you can help. If you begin to see signs that your loved one’s ability to properly care for themselves has diminished, it might be time to consider getting help.

Our Alameda elder care team can help with many of the difficulties seniors may experience. We encourage them to care for themselves while providing companionship and backup. At home senior care can support your loved one struggling from any of the following:

  • Wearing dirty clothing
  • Struggling with hygiene
  • Isolating themselves
  • Forgetting names or dates
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty eating and drinking
  • Becoming disinterested with life
  • Losing important items
  • Driving unsafely
  • Struggling with mobility
  • Neglecting responsibilities

Although these signs of struggle can be difficult to witness, there is help. Our team in Alameda cares for seniors at home in a myriad of ways. These include:

We believe that professional, personalized care can enhance a senior’s quality of life. The everyday struggles your loved one may be facing are not hopeless. They may just need a little bit of extra support in this season of their life. Our Angels customize their care plans for the specific needs of each individual they serve.

Elder Care Alameda

Our agency provides in home senior care to support the people you love most. With a little bit of extra help, our Angels empower seniors to continue living independently and safely. We serve the elderly and disabled in our communities by providing values-based care that meets them where they are. Home care is not one size fits all, and our approach reflects the needs of each of our individual clients.

Are you looking for a home care solution to meet the needs of a loved one? Visiting Angels of Alameda can help point you in the right direction. Schedule a complimentary consultation with us today by calling 510-269-2999.

Visiting Angels: Serving Alameda and the Local Area

Our home care agency is based in Alameda, CA and serves each of the following areas:

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