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Celebrate This National Senior Citizens Day with Your Elderly Loved One

As an agency that has provided quality elder care to seniors in Scotts Valley, Marina and Santa Cruz, CA for many years, Visiting Angels Central Coast can help you find fun and unique ways to spend quality time with your elderly loved one on National Senior Citizens Day

August 21st is widely celebrated in the United States as National Senior Citizens Day. While some may argue that our elderly loved ones deserve to be celebrated every day of the year, we think it is a blessing that every August we recognize our senior population and everything that they have done for our great country.

Needless to say, this holiday has a special place in the heart of every team member of Visiting Angels elder care agency.

A Special Holiday

While National Senior Citizens Day might not be well-known as Mother's Day or Father's Day, it is as important as any other holiday. This year marks the thirty-first year since America celebrates National Senior Citizens Day. In fact, it was Ronald Reagan who signed the holiday into law with a presidential proclamation way back in 1988. His words on that occasion are remembered to this day:

"For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute."

During the signing of the proclamation, Reagan was also remembered saying that we, as Americans, should "[make] sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older."

At Visiting Angels Central Coast, we could not agree more with this statement, as it is something that our elder care agency is striving to achieve.

Celebrating National Seniors Day with Your Senior Loved One

On the 21st of August, many senior-friendly restaurants and shops give numerous discounts to the elderly in recognition of this holiday. With this in mind, you might want to treat your aging parent or relative with a lovely night of dining and shopping on the Santa Cruz Wharf. You could even take one of the train rides or grab a bite to eat at Roaring Camp.

Since it's summer and the weather is nice and warm, you could also participate in outdoor activities with your elderly loved one. You can take a nice stroll down the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail to get to the Monterey Bay Aquarium or get your feet wet and visit the Monarch Grove at Natural Bridges State Beach. If your loved one is a proud dog owner, there are many dog-friendly areas like Carmel Beach where you can spend quality time with your loved one and their furry companion.

On the other hand, spending a quiet night at home can be equally enjoyable. Some good ideas include cooking a special meal for you mom, playing cards or solving puzzles with Dad, watching a classic movie together or simply taking the time to enjoy a deep, meaningful conversation. Regardless of how you opt to spend your time with them, showing your elderly loved ones that you care is what is most important.

A Message from America's Leading Elder Care Provider

To commemorate this National Senior Citizens Day, our CEO and President Larry Meigs stated the following: "There's no holiday that exemplifies what we do at Visiting Angels as well as National Senior Citizens Day. And so, as America's choice for elder care, we would like to wish you, your family, and all of the seniors in your life a safe and happy National Senior Citizens Day this August 21st!"

And although we celebrate National Senior Citizens Day on just one day in late August, Visiting Angels is making year-round efforts to improve the quality of life of the senior population in every community we serve through professional elder care services. Call our Scotts Valley, CA office today and learn more about how we help seniors in the Central Coast region of California, including Santa Cruz, Marina, Scotts Valley and surrounding communities.

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002