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Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.

Fall Prevention for Seniors in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.

Fall Prevention for Seniors in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties

Did you know that most seniors lose their independence because of a measly fall? With age, immobility, and brittle bones, falls can cause older adults to break bones, making it hard for them to move around and do daily living activities adequately. Plus, aging has the effect of seniors recuperate slowly—some do not and continue to regress. Falls can have a huge effect on an elderly adult’s social, emotional and physical activities, thereby affecting their overall quality of life. Visiting Angels Central Coast can help protect your loved one from falling with living assistance services.

Call 831-430-0616 today to learn more about our fall prevention solutions.

The Importance of Professional Living Assistance Services for Fall Risk Reduction in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties

A lot of older adults in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties know the repercussions of falls. That’s why they take measures to prevent this. However, many have the fear of falling so much that they detriment their social life. They would rather be safe in their homes and decline family functions, social invitations or generally leaving the house. This reaction can have an effect on the elderly and lead to depression, sadness, social isolation, loneliness, and even anxiety. That's why we've been providing fall prevention solutions for elderly and disabled adults in Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties for many years.

Here's how falls regularly impact older adults:

  • Many older adults who experience falls do not go home, often many of them end up in a long-term care facility and usually, recovery takes up to a full year.

  • Due to falls, as much as 80,000 elderly individuals are hospitalized each year.

  • When an elderly adult experiences a fall, they are more likely to fall again.

  • In a year, as much as one out of three seniors experience a fall and one out of five of them suffer from a serious injury like a concussion, fracture, and a broken hip to name a few.

How the Fall Prevention Program from Visiting Angels Central Coast Can Prevent Risk Factors

Did you know that falls do not happen randomly? There are risk factors that place seniors at risk. Commonly, these factors are related to a person’s home environment, medical problem or physical condition. For example, if the bathroom does not have grab bars, this can be a risk factor for falls. Having poor eyesight or arthritis predisposes the elderly to falls.

At Visiting Angels Central Coast, our caregivers can identify if your elderly loved one is at risk for falls, whether it’s from the medications he/she is taking or not. After identifying the risks, we can provide living assistance services with the goal of keeping your loved one safe and reduce the risk of falling.

Some of the ways our caregivers can help include:

To learn more about how our living assistance services can keep your loved one safe, contact our Scotts Valley or Marina, CA office today to set up a free in-home consultation.

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Contact us

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Download Your Free Safe & Steady Fall Prevention Resource Guide today.