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Why Clutter May be a Sign Your Loved One Needs Professional Home Care Services

If your loved one's home is starting to get cluttered, count on Visiting Angels Central Coast for professional home care services in Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz, Marina and surrounding California communities

Not too many families realize that clutter in senior years may be the first sign that aging loved ones need home care services. If you have noticed that your loved one's home is not as clean and tidy as it was, you should talk to them about hiring a professional caregiver. It is important to keep in mind that seniors rarely ask for help, not wanting to be a burden to their families, so you should approach the subject with care and compassion.

Why Clutter is Dangerous

Clutter does not just make the home look disorganized; it is also a risk to older adults living at home alone. Clutter is one of the leading causes of falls for older adults – and falls are the leading cause of injuries in aging adults in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, at least one in four seniors falls each year. That amounts to 2.8 million seniors ending up in the emergency room.

Falls can cause injuries like hip fractures, broken bones and head trauma, as well as depression and isolation. Many seniors have a fear of falling that prevents them from engaging in social activities, resulting in withdrawal.

However, in addition to elevating the risk of falls, clutter is also a sign that your loved one is not able to perform household tasks anymore. Moving items or cleaning the dishes may become too difficult for your loved one, resulting in household things lying all over the place and dishes piling up in the skin. Additionally, clutter in the home can also point to dementia. Namely, seniors who are often forgetful and simply do not remember to take out the trash or clean the home may be showing the first symptoms of having a memory-related illness. Finally, clutter can also be a sign of depression, as your loved one may not feel like cleaning their home.

How Our Home Care Services Can Help Your Loved One

While family members and friends may be able to help your loved one with housework, it is important to remember that helping out a couple of times may not address the underlying problem leading to clutter in their home. That's why professional home care services from Visiting Angels Central Coast can be a good long-term solution.

A professional care provider can assist with housekeeping, either by performing those tasks your loved one cannot complete or by reminding them of the tasks they wish to do on their own. Our caregivers can help with washing dishes, doing laundry, sweeping, putting things away and so much more.

Plus, an expert caregiver can help with any underlying issues causing clutter. If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, a care provider can provide daily reminders, support them as they maintain their daily routine and offer mental stimulation to help slow down the progression of the illness. If your loved one is depressed, a professional caregiver can provide companionship and comfort and encourage them to be active and socialize. Whatever is causing clutter in your loved one's home, it is imperative that you act on time.

If you wish to know more about our home care services, please call our Scotts Valley, CA office today. We are happy to be of service!

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002

Serving Scotts Valley, Watsonville, Marina, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Salinas, and throughout Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties in California

5274 Scotts Valley Dr #102
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 831-430-0616
Fax: 831-430-0612
HCO #444700002