Frequently Asked Questions About Alzheimer's Disease in Eldersburg

The senior caregivers of Visiting Angels can answer your questions about Alzheimer’s disease, including home care options in Eldersburg, Baltimore, Westminster, Randallstown, Ellicott City, Columbia and surrounding areas in Maryland to manage the disease’s progression
We all forget things now and then. If your loved one has generalized anxiety disorder, you may have noticed that their memory can fade in and out depending on their anxiety levels. So, what makes Alzheimer’s disease any different? If you have recently noticed what you believe to be Alzheimer’s disease in your loved one, it may be time to have them checked out by a medical professional. It may also be time to start considering in-home memory care.
Before going any further into the nitty-gritty of what Alzheimer’s disease is, we want to say that one mistake many children of senior parents make is that they do not speak to their loved one about essential home care on time. Discussing hiring professional senior caregivers with your loved one now, in the early stages of the disease, will help you understand how your loved one would truly want to live later. This can have an impact on the way you make decisions about their care in the future, and it can also help you have peace of mind knowing you are doing everything your loved one would want to begin with.
Our senior caregivers have plenty of experience with providing Alzheimer’s care to seniors in Eldersburg and surrounding areas in Maryland, so we can answer frequently asked questions about Alzheimer’s disease.
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
Many individuals confuse Alzheimer’s disease with the usual cognitive decline seniors go through as they age. The difference is that Alzheimer’s disease is actually a degenerative and progressive disorder, meaning it gets worse over time. Individual’s with Alzheimer’s disease experience memory loss, changes in their behavior and cognitive decline very rapidly, in most cases, over the course of a few years. An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is unfortunately a terminal one, with a four to eight-year life expectancy.
Is there a difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia?
Yes. Dementia is a catch-all term whilst Alzheimer’s disease is just one brain disorder that falls under that umbrella.
What are the risk factors?
There are several risk factors and not much is actually known at this time about Alzheimer’s disease, despite extensive research being done in the area. Advanced age, genetics and heart health are currently thought to be the three biggest risk factors.
What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
The symptoms can vary from person to person. The most common, however, include memory loss, both short-term and long-term, problem solving trouble, struggling with the activities of daily living, mixing up words, confusion, irritability and anxiety.
Does Alzheimer’s disease have a cure?
While scientists are working hard to search for a cure, there is currently no known cure for Alzheimer’s. Modern methods for treating Alzheimer’s can only prevent the disease, delay the initial symptoms or slow the progress of the disease. Additionally, once a person has Alzheimer’s, the progress of the disease is believed to be irreversible.
If your loved one is at risk or already has Alzheimer’s, there are many doctor-recommended lifestyle choices—including focusing on good cardiovascular health—that can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Improving sleep habits, increasing omega-3 intake and decreasing stress are also good preventative measures. You or professional senior caregivers can help your loved one make healthy lifestyle choices to reduce their risk.
What are some options for in-home care to help manage Alzheimer's symptoms in Eldersburg and nearby areas?
Your options depend on the progression of the disease. While Alzheimer’s patients do need a higher level of care to ensure their safety and well-being, those with early or mid-stage Alzheimer’s are typically cared for by other family members or close friends. When your loved one’s disease reaches advanced stages, it’s time to consider professional in-home care.
You could move your loved one into a nursing home; however, this isn’t always recommended as it is important for your loved one to remain in familiar surroundings. Nursing homes are usually a last resort.
You could also hire professional senior caregivers from Visiting Angels Eldersburg. Our essential home care solutions for seniors with Alzheimer’s are specially designed to tackle the unique challenges that Alzheimer’s presents, such as wandering or memory issues.
If your loved one has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, our senior caregivers can help them continue to live in their own home.
To find out more, please call our Eldersburg, MD office today at 410-549-8002.
Serving Eldersburg, Westminster, Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott City, Randallstown and Surrounding Areas in Carroll and Howard Counties in Maryland
Visiting Angels ELDERSBURG, MD
6505 Ridenour Way E #1BEldersburg, MD 21784
Phone: 410-549-8002