Post-Stroke Recovery Care for Seniors in and Around Eldersburg, MD
A stroke can cause many physical and mental problems, such as movement issues, partial paralysis, speech, language and vision impairments as well as memory loss. Since 2/3 of all stroke survivors end up with some type of disability, promoting recovery in every way possible is essential to one’s well-being.
Even though you were able to care for your loved one before they had a stroke, caring for them now is a completely different story. If your loved one has suffered a stroke, they will need professional care and assistance in order to recover successfully.
If you are in need of high-quality senior care services, our professional caregivers are here to help. Visiting Angels offers expert post-stroke recovery care for seniors living in Eldersburg, Baltimore, Westminster, Columbia, Ellicott City, Randallstown and surrounding areas in Carroll and Howard Counties.
Contact Visiting Angels Eldersburg to book your confidential, in-home consultation.
How In-Home Care for Seniors Can Help Eldersburg-Area Seniors with Stroke Recovery
At Visiting Angels Eldersburg, we possess the skills and experience to provide essential personal care for seniors recovering from a stroke in Carroll and Howard Counties. If your loved one needs assistance with everyday tasks after suffering a stroke, our dedicated and professional caregivers will do everything in their power to boost your parent’s well-being and reduce the likelihood of a second stroke.
Our in-home stroke recovery care for seniors can include:
- Transitional care when returning home from the hospital
- Mobility and ambulation assistance
- Help with bathing, grooming and dressing
- Toileting and incontinence care
- Help with transferring and positioning
- Fall prevention
- Meal preparation and feeding assistance
- Medication reminders
- Transportation to doctor's appointments, physical therapy sessions and more
- Help with running errands and grocery shopping
- Overnight monitoring
- And so much more
Our in-home caregivers are not here just to complete physical tasks. They can also provide meaningful companionship thus helping your loved one recuperate in a comfortable, safe and pleasant environment. If your senior loved one’s speech has been impaired after the stroke, our care providers will patiently talk with your loved one so that they can gradually restore their speech.
With in-home care for seniors from Visiting Angels Eldersburg, you can have peace of mind knowing your loved one will receive the support they need during their recovery from an experienced and dedicated professional caregiver.
If you believe that your loved one can benefit from stroke recovery care for seniors, give our office in Eldersburg, MD a call at 410-549-8002.
Serving Eldersburg, Westminster, Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott City, Randallstown and Surrounding Areas in Carroll and Howard Counties in Maryland
Visiting Angels ELDERSBURG, MD
6505 Ridenour Way E #1BEldersburg, MD 21784
Phone: 410-549-8002