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Serving Mercer & Burlington Counties in New Jersey

140 Darrah Ln
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: 609-883-8188
Fax: 609-883-8199

200 Campbell Dr #105C
Willingboro NJ 08046
Phone: 609-883-8188
Outstanding CHHA Employees

Serving Mercer & Burlington Counties in New Jersey

140 Darrah Ln
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: 609-883-8188
Fax: 609-883-8199

200 Campbell Dr #105C
Willingboro NJ 08046
Phone: 609-883-8188

Outstanding CHHA Employees

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We are so proud of our wonderful, hard-working Angel employees who routinely go beyond the call of duty. We feature these employees in our Home Care News by Angels newsletter. Read why they are so special...









  • January: Ben W-S. and Ayesha G. (read description below)
  • February: Kwasi B. and Carla A. (read description below)
  • March: Hawa D. and Shayla R. (read description below)
  • April: Esther R. and Claudette H. (read description below)
  • May: Gloria A. and Marie B. (read description below)
  • June: Fatumata B. and Lackey K. (read description below)
  • July: Ophelia C. and Kumba G. (read description below)
  • August: Lyndsey B. and Monica B. (read description below)
  • September: Michelle D. and Mohamed M.
  • October: Joel J. and Josephine B.
  • November: Natacha L. and Nancy C.
  • December: Susan R. and Shandel A.



January 2017

  • Ben W-S. has been with one of our clients, Mr. C, for over 6 months. The family says great things about Ben…that he’s a professional, and that one can tell that caring for people is his life’s work. They report he treats Mr. C as if he were his own family member. Keep up the good work, Ben!

February 2017

  • Kwasi B. has been a solid employee who has been with our company since July 2009. We can always count on Kwasi to provide superior client care and are so proud of his long service. He is currently with 3 clients who all are happy to see him when he arrives!
  • Carla A. is beloved by both our clients and by our office staff. She always has a smile when she comes into our office. Our clients have nothing but good things to say about her. Thank you for your kind and patient nature, Carla!
  • Aeysha G. was one of our holiday Angels! At the last minute over the recent holiday weekend, Aeysha accepted a fill-in assignment. We appreciate Aeysha’s willingness to help a client in need, especially for a hard-to-fill holiday shift.

March 2017

  • Hawa D. has been one of our Angels for over 5 years. When one of our live-in aides needs time off, she’s our go-to fill-in live-in aide. Our clients have often requested her by name; they appreciate her knowledge and confidence in her job abilities. She’s a hard worker and takes initiative. Thank you for all you do, Hawa!
  • Shayla R. regularly exceeds our expectations by going above and beyond, whether it’s with her assigned long-term case or with fill-in assignments. She’s always spreading her natural bubbliness with the office staff and with the clients on her assignments. We wish we could duplicate her! She’s a great aide who has been in this field for over 18 years. We’re glad you’re at Visiting Angels, Shayla!

April 2017

  • Esther R. has been with Visiting Angels for nearly 5 years and gets nothing but praises from our clients. One of them remarked, “Esther was great; professional and kind. Great job, Esther!” Another family said, “She is great in all she does. We’re very happy with her.”
  • Claudette H. is one of our most experienced home care employees, having worked in the health care field for over 15 years. She’s a great representation of Visiting Angels; our clients thing so, too. One client recently said, “[Claudette] is very competent; she knows what she is doing.”

May 2017

  • Gloria A. just celebrated her 9-year anniversary with Visiting Angels. We congratulate Gloria on her many loyal years of service. She has always displayed kindness and love toward our clients through her words and sincere dedication. She’s a prime example of the kind of “Angel” we all would want with us.
  • Marie B. has been one of our lovely Angels since 2014. A client’s family gave her recent praise, stating: “Marie is extremely punctual, has a joyful spirit and a positive demeanor with an attentive approach in her one-on-one dealings with our mom. Marie is a consummate home health aide, one who is conscientious, taking pride in all that she does.”

June 2017

  • Fatumata B. is a newer employee to Visiting Angels, but she’s proven that’s she’s meant to work in the caregiving profession. Fatumata has gotten outstanding praise from our clients who have remarked that she is a great fit for the home care field; the work required seems to come naturally to her. She is a true Angel at heart!
  • Lakeya K. has been with Visiting Angels since 2013. She has an effervescent personality and passes her bubbliness onto her clients! Lakeya helps improve the quality our clients’ lives continually. We’re grateful to have her at Visiting Angels!

July 2017

  • Ophelia C. has been one of our very special Angels since 2008. She has been a live-in caregiver employee for the same client for 9 years. She has been an amazing home health aide and has been extremely loyal and hard-working through the years. Ophelia is truly an Angel!
  • Kumba G. has been with Visiting Angels since 2015. Kumba is always punctual for her assignments and is a natural caregiver at heart. We are happy to have her as a member of the Visiting Angels’ team!

August 2017

  • Lyndsey B. recently celebrated her 2-year anniversary with Visiting Angels. We so appreciate her loyalty to both our company and to our clients. She’s a very compassionate aide and goes out of her way to make sure every client is well taken care of!
  • Monica B. is well-liked by every client she services. She’s always willing to help the Care Management Team and accepts additional assignments with very short notice. We especially love that she always has a big smile on her face! She recently started service with a client; the client quickly gave feedback that he likes her very much and believes it will be a long-term association!


January 2016

  • Hola A. was caring for an hourly client who took a sudden turn for the worse and required live-in care. Hola offered to rearrange her personal schedule to stay in the client’s home as a live-in aide until we were able to get a long-term live-in employee.
  • Becky C. has happily accepted last-minute fill-in assignments, even on holidays, so that our clients would not have to go without care and to also help the employees for whom she was replacing.

February/March 2016

  • For the past few months, Donna R. has taken on extra overnight shifts with a client. She is replacing one of our other aides who had to leave the country suddenly due to a family emergency.
  • Movita S. has just celebrated her 5-year anniversary with Visiting Angels. In those 5 years, Movita has always been willing to adapt to client schedule changes to assist the clients. She has shown true dedication and loyalty to Visiting Angels through the years.
  • Despite a very hectic schedule, Lillian G. manages to balance it all very well and is always very helpful in doing the best she can to accept last minute fill-in assignments.

April 2016

  • Alison has been incredibly flexible and willing to move her personal schedule whenever possible to accommodate our last-minute requests for fill-in assignments.
  • Ashley received the ultimate compliment from the son of the client for whom she’s assisting. He said that although his mother’s memory is very poor, she remembers and eagerly waits for Ashley on the days she comes. Ashley also accompanied his mother to a movie; while his mom can’t remember what movie they saw, she remembers the “life experience” of being with Ashley.

May 2016

  • Nicole G. has made an amazing difference in the life of one of our clients. The two have developed a common bond of crocheting, which has made a positive impact on our client.
  • Despite juggling a full-time college schedule and a full work schedule with Visiting Angels, Nana K. is always ready to rework her schedule, when possible, to help us with last-minute fill-in assignments.

June 2016

  • Marie M. and Ladie A. are assigned to the same client. Both Angels are eager to fill-in or adjust their work schedules in order to accommodate any schedule tweaks they or our client may request. This helps ensure our client receives continuity of care, and doesn’t need to adjust to a new Angel each time one of them is unavailable. We truly appreciate this team’s flexibility and cooperation!

July 2016

  • Tori: As she was literally walking into her own home, our office called Tory H. to ask if she could do an emergency fill-in assignment, as one of our clients needed assistance that moment. Tori gladly accepted, turned around, and went directly to our client’s home.
  • Mekee K. is being complimented this month on her friendly, agreeable attitude. Whenever the office calls her, she is always pleasant and willing to help.

August 2016

  • Jumah V: It’s always a happy day in the office when one of our clients sends us a note praising one of our Angels. A client’s daughter-in-law wrote to tell us that Jumah V. did an excellent job cooking, cleaning, and making our Tabernacle client’s life brighter with her presence. Thank you, Jumah!

September 2016

  • Thaera I.’s care of our client in Browns Mills meant so much to our client and her family. Thaera displays attributes we so appreciate in our Angels: compassionate, competent, and kind.

October 2016

  • Esther B. recently received praise from a client’s family declaring, “She was the biggest sweetheart over the past year. Your agency was great for picking her. My mother loved her!”
  • Denise T. received a similar sentiment from a client’s daughter: “Denise is wonderful! She is just what Mom needed!”

November 2016

  • George A. is one of our faithful live-in aides who has been on his current assignment for over 2 years. Our client adores him and said he wouldn’t change a thing about him!
  • Johnnie F. has been a special Angel this month by taking several fill-in assignments with only a moment’s notice for each one. It’s great to know that we can depend on Angels like Johnnie!

December 2016

  • Gertrude A. took a fill-in assignment at the last minute, literally. We are grateful that she accepted, but are very happy that she didn’t hesitate and had a great attitude when we approached her with the assignment. This makes our job so much easier!
  • Natalie J: We also shine the spotlight on Natalie J. who takes on every case we offer to her–despite the distance. Even better, every client she has visited has given her praise for her service!


September 2015

  • Hawa D., a fill-in aide on a live-in assignment, agreed to stay an extra 24 hours when the regular aide had a personal matter and couldn’t return as scheduled.
  • Thaera I. cut her vacation short by almost a full day so that a fill-in aide who was covering for her could accept another assignment.
  • Even though Judy works overnight shifts for a client, twice this past month she has been willing to readjust her free time during the day in order to accommodate the client’s need for extra car.

October 2015

  • Evelyn accepted an urgent assignment even though it was a longer distance from her home than we normally ask our home care employees to drive; she understood our client’s serious need for care.
  • Anya Y. eagerly stepped up to become “lead aide” by orienting other aides on an assignment for a long-term client whose care needs progressed from several hours a day to 24 hours per day.

November 2015

  • Last year, we reported that Doris J. helped save Mrs. C’s life by performing the Heimlich maneuver. Once again, this diligent Angel helped keep Mrs. C from choking.
  • Grace O. noticed that our client was looking very pale and was extremely lethargic, so she strongly urged the client’s family to take him to the ER. The client is now recuperating in the hospital and will be returning home soon.

December 2015

  • Patience Y. has often rearranged her personal schedule to cover a co-worker’s shifts for a mutual long-term client. Our client’s family was so appreciative that they gave her a lovely flowered plant for Thanksgiving.
  • Vickie D. has accepted a variety of long-term cases that require her to drive a good distance between cases each day, which isn’t ideal. However, she’s been positive and cheerful about it, and treats each assignment as though it were the first one of the day.
  • Marie Lynn D. has been with Visiting Angels a long time. She works overnights and happily agrees to work as many hours as our client needs; our client’s family is very pleased, as a result.


Serving Mercer & Burlington Counties in New Jersey

140 Darrah Ln
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: 609-883-8188
Fax: 609-883-8199

200 Campbell Dr #105C
Willingboro NJ 08046
Phone: 609-883-8188